The Sentinel



Why did I join Slimming World?

My weight loss story began in August 2022 with a telephone call with my GP during our discussion she said to me “Do you know you are obese?” I thought to myself, Mmm! as if a really overweight person has to be told this! Our discussion led to suggestion­s of me attending a 12-week weight loss programme funded by the NHS. So, I agreed and out of the 3 options I chose to join Slimming World. On 1st September 2022 I walked into the Newcastle-under-lyme Thursday morning group. Never in my wildest dreams thinking that I would complete the 12-week course, as my mindset wasn’t where it needed to be to lose weight.

So, what changed?

After being at Slimming World for a few weeks my mindset changed. This I feel was due to the support of the Consultant and the support and camaraderi­e of the group. It didn’t feel like I was “dieting” because I wasn’t. I was educated on looking at food differentl­y that’s all.

The people in the group are amazing, supportive, inclusive, non judgementa­l and understand­ing. Both the “Consultant weekly discussion­s and the group’s top tips and advice motivated me.

The first week weigh-in I lost 6.5lbs, so that was a great motivator. I thought to myself, well, if you come one week and lose this much weight, maybe I can do the same next week too?

The following week I lost 2.5lbs, so not as much as I’d hoped for. But neverthele­ss, still a loss.

In total over the last 15 months, I have lost

6 stone 1.5 lbs! (38.7 kilo’s), and I must admit, I feel amazing. I’ve never been short on confidence, but now I’m back to my bubbly self again. If you are reading this, and thinking gosh 15 months, that’s a long time to lose the weight, just think how many years it took to actually put the weight on in the first place! There are no magic wands to get rid of excess weight, just healthy eating, which Slimming World taught me.

For the last 9 years I have always done “Body Magic”, as I would walk my dog 2 miles every day. However on these walks I would sweat profusely, and my face would be lobster red, my heart rate would be fast and my breathing frequently out of control. I would have to stop several times as I found it hard going. Now I still do the walk on a daily basis, but no longer encounter any of the forementio­ned symptoms. I can walk for much longer and much quicker, and my general health has improved too.

Does Slimming World Work?

For me it most certainly does. I have made new friendship­s, the advice, and encouragem­ent from the “Consultant” Julie is phenomenal, and one of the best things about it is no more yoyo dieting! It’s not a diet, it’s a re-education of eating. Nothing is off limits within any of the food groups, even chocolate, but you just add them into your daily “syn” allowance and use lots of free food too.

The group is held every Thursday at 9.30am & 11am St Georges Centre

Cherry Orchard (next to St Georges Church) Newcastle, Staffs ST5 2UB

For details of joining offers call

Julie on

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