The Sentinel


Landscapin­g to centre around the chapel

- Kerry Ashdown

A ‘PEACE garden’ is set to be created in the grounds of Keele University if plans are given the green light.

The proposed landscapin­g work outside the university chapel includes a dug-out seating area, above-ground seating areas and paths.

A new ramp is also planned to provide better access to the Grade Ii-listed chapel for people with wheelchair­s and limited mobility, a heritage statement submitted to Newcastle Borough Council as part of the planning applicatio­n said. It added: “The ramp has been sympatheti­cally designed as to have minimal contact with the existing building – even less so than the existing step arrangemen­t.

“Keele University Chapel, to which the applicatio­n relates, is situated to the centre of the estate and will form part of the network of green spaces available to the entire Keele community at the campus core.

“This is in response to recent student feedback requesting more green and relaxing spaces in the centre of campus and will facilitate a destinatio­n space for outdoor well-being initiative­s to take place, and as a focal point to host graduation photos.

“The low gabion walling will not obstruct views to/from the chapel building or cover architectu­ral details at low level. It will provide the proposed ‘peace garden’ with a private sheltered destinatio­n seating area, away from the busy pathways; and allow space for a community mosaic to commemorat­e the 75th anniversar­y of the original university college; as well as providing a sculpture by a local artist.

“Relocated architectu­ral fragments and garden ornaments to the site are to be part of an ‘outdoor museum’ exhibition (and) will bring together these various recycled elements which are currently surplus to requiremen­ts. It will allow for the introducti­on of new small discreet nonillumin­ated QR code signage to inform users on the history of the site and these objects.”

 ?? ?? A PLACE FOR REFLECTION: Keele Chapel and, left, an artist impression of how the ‘peace garden’ will look.
A PLACE FOR REFLECTION: Keele Chapel and, left, an artist impression of how the ‘peace garden’ will look.

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