The Sentinel


Revised bid follows ‘cramping’ fear

- Phil Corrigan

REVISED plans to create flats above town centre shops have been submitted.

Previous proposals to turn office and storage space above retail units in Church Street, Stoke into 13 apartments were blocked by Stoke-on-trent City Council in February.

But the applicant – named as Mr Khan on the planning applicatio­n – has come back with amended plans for 12 self-contained flats at the same location.

Council planners refused to grant planning permission to the original scheme due to a lack of informatio­n, along with concerns over the ‘cramped’ internal layout and ‘inadequate’ lighting levels.

In the revised plans, one of the proposed flats has been replaced with a ‘communal cinema room’ and games room for the residents.

Other changes include replacing an external door with a window, while occupancy levels for each flats ‘have been taken into account to ensure they fall within national space standards’.

The scheme would consist of 11 one-bedroom flats and one two-bedroom flat on the first and second floors, with a cycle store on the ground floor.

Most of the ground floor would be retained as retail units.

The building is in Stoke conservati­on area. According to a heritage statement submitted by the applicant, there would be no negative impact on the surroundin­gs.

The applicatio­n states: “There are many sites on the street that have received planning permission for similar proposals.

“This proposal will hopefully bring back into beneficial use an otherwise vacant upstairs space within one of the main shopping streets in Stoke town centre.

“The proposals would also bring forward housing to meet the needs of smaller households within a highly accessible location within the town centre.”

The city council is expected to make a decision by June 21.

 ?? ?? FLAT PLAN: Church Street.
FLAT PLAN: Church Street.

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