The Sentinel


Woman sent messages on Facebook

- Sentinel Reporter

CLUBBER Megan Keehn threatened to stab a woman and her child in the face – for giving her ‘dirty’ looks.

The 23-year-old, above, was involved in ‘beef’ with her victim inside a nightclub.

North Staffordsh­ire Justice Centre heard it led to her sending the woman a number of ‘nasty’ messages and Facebook voicemails.

Prosecutor Hannah Baddeley said: “Some of the messages included threats to stab the victim in the face and stab the child also. She was arrested.

“She said the victim had given her dirty looks through the night, which had caused ‘beef’. She said she had a reputation to uphold.”

The court heard Keehn started laughing during her police interview. She said she wanted to frighten the complainan­t. She admitted saying she would stab her in the face and the child.

She was asked why she was laughing and she said, ‘Because she was savage.’ Miss Baddeley added: “She said, ‘I am sorry for making her feel scared. If she had not been like that in the club I would not have said these things’.

“She said she was sorry afterwards for sending the messages.”

In a victim statement the woman said the messages were very offensive and she was worried about the defendant turning up at her home. She said: “The threats made against me and my family are awful. I can’t believe anyone would make such horrendous threats. I am shocked by the whole incident.”

Keehn, of Eaton Street, Northwood, pleaded guilty to causing an offensive, indecent, obscene or menacing message to be sent by the public communicat­ion network on January 1, 2023.

Joanne Corbett, mitigating, said Keehn was ‘very vulnerable’ and had a ‘very chaotic and troublesom­e’ childhood. She added that Keehn would benefit from interventi­on by the probation service and women’s services.

Magistrate­s sentenced Keehn to an 18-month community order with a rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­t for 25 days. She was ordered to pay £100 compensati­on, a £100 fine, £85 costs and a £114 surcharge.

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