The Sentinel

Doors are opening for Lissy Taylor


What’s your biggest achievemen­t or most memorable moment so far?

Being booked to open the main stage for Noel Gallagher at Y NOT Festival this summer is massive and I can’t wait for festival season to start.

Which genre would you say best describes your music?

I write indie rock songs for fans of Sam Fender, Wolf Alice and Florence and The Machine.

Life Changing is the latest single you’ve released. Tell us what inspired you to write it.

Being from Stoke inspired me to write this song. There’s so many brilliant people from Stoke and great things that happen that go unnoticed. There are also so many people that go through struggles, myself included, and this song champions pulling yourself through to the otherside. This is a song to cheer you on when there’s doubts and to throw you up in the air when you’re winning. Life Changing is the sound of the underdog.

Did you just feel like being a rock chick for a change?

I’d disagree with that as I’ve always been a rock chick, although there are not many girls in the indie rock scene there are definitely heavier songs in my catalogue. I think Life Changing is more on the indie side.

Where do you record your stuff?

Previously I’ve recorded at Abbey Road with Tayte Nichols. For Life Changing I recorded with Gareth Nuttall who also produces The Lottery Winners and The Ks.

When do you next play live?

The next gig I am looking forward to is playing at the Manchester City FC opening for Barclays Women’s Super League April 21st ahead of the match against West Ham. This gig was booked through a competitio­n to be selected by bands including Blossoms, Doves, TAYS and Cassia. This also looks like it’s set to be a big match so I’m excited to be a part of it.

Which acts have you most enjoyed supporting?

Recent support slots have been massive. It’s so hard to pick one. Top three supports I’ve done recently have to be Circa Waves, Sea Girls and The View. The energy in the room at those gigs was incredible and it was amazing to support bands that I’m a huge fan of personally. I had a few ‘pinch myself’ moments.

Who would you most like to support?

My dream support at the moment would be a support tour with The Snuts this year. I’ve been a Snuts fan for years so to support them on their tour would be beyond cool.

Any more projects planned?

I’ll be releasing and recording a bunch of new songs.

Keep an eye out on my socials over this summer: Spotify: Lissy Taylor Instagram: Lissytaylo­ruk Tiktok: Lissytaylo­r01 X: Lissytaylo­r17 Facebook: Lissy Taylor

Who are your biggest supporters?

I’d like to thank all the folks at The Sugarmill and the BBC Introducin­g team at BBC Radio Stoke for everything they do for the local music scene and their role in creating opportunit­ies for local artists.

What about merchandis­e?

There’s been talk online of people turning up to the festivals this summer with Lissy Taylor flags and signs. I thought a few T-shirts in the audience was cool so if that happens that will be wild.

Where can we see you live this spring and summer?

The next shows for spring/summer so far are:

April 21: Manchester City Football

Club, Battle of the bands 23/24 Barclays WSL

May 10: Bury, The Met, Support Apollo Junction

July 20: Stockton-on-tees, Munro Festival, Main Stage

July 21: Birmingham, The Whats Happenin Weekender at Dead Wax August 04: Y NOT Festival, main stage opening for headliner Noel Gallagher

August 11: Birkenhead, Birkenhead Live at Future Yard

August 31: Wales, Llandudno Pine Festival. Main Stage.

Which is your favourite song that you have put out?

I’m proud of all the songs I release. Being invited to record ‘Minds a Riot’ at Abbey Road was a once in a lifetime opportunit­y, the walls in the studio are surrounded with the history of who has also recorded there which felt really special. To record in the same space as Amy Winehouse and Florence + The Machine who were the women that initially inspired me to get into songwritin­g was a really special experience.

What’s the video for Life Changing all about?

I recorded the music video for Life Changing with the aim to capture a documentar­y style of different areas in Stoke that I’d taken inspiratio­n from, particular­ly the streets surroundin­g Staffordsh­ire University and the train station. The song is honest and inspiring so I wanted the video to be authentic in capturing that as best as I could.

Which act would you most like to work with?

People have suggested they’d like to hear collaborat­ions with bands such as Sam Fender, Sea Girls, The Lottery Winners, Blossoms and Stevie Nicks, inset. Any of those would be a dream come true to be honest.

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 ?? ?? Lissy Taylor. Below, Lissy’s most recent single Life Changing.
Lissy Taylor. Below, Lissy’s most recent single Life Changing.

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