The Sentinel


Charity places veterans in logistics roles

- Sentinel Reporter

A SOUTH Cheshire firm has joined forces with a charity to help provide new careers for military veterans after expanding into North Staffordsh­ire.

Boughey Distributi­on – a leading provider of warehousin­g and distributi­on services – has announced a new partnershi­p with Veterans into Logistics.

The nationwide charity places military veterans and members of the armed forces who have recently left, within the logistics industry.

Boughey and Veterans in Logistics will work closely together, using Boughey’s in-house training team to prepare candidates for careers on the road or in the warehouse.

The Cheshire-based distributi­on company is now a bronze patron of the charity and will open rolling vacancies to candidates from Veterans into Logistics and place newly qualified or less experience­d drivers on a driver mentor scheme.

The Boughey training team will equip novice drivers with the required skills to join the company on a permanent basis.

With the company’s recent expansion into Newcastle, the company will be recruiting new drivers, making the new partnershi­p lucrative on both sides.

The company is based in Wardle, near Nantwich and also has a warehouse in Crewe. It employs 850 workers.

Transport operations director, Neil Trotter, commenting on the new partnershi­p, saying: “We’re thrilled to be able to be in a position where we can help Veterans into Logistics.

“Veterans and ex-military servicemen and women are excellent team players and have many of the values Boughey holds highly.

“The work that Veterans into Logistics carries out is an inspiratio­n to us and we are proud to support this fantastic programme.”

Darren Wright, from Veterans into Logistics, said: “It’s great to have such a fantastic company such as Boughey Distributi­on who believe in our mission and who also support exmilitary personnel.”

 ?? ?? RECRUITMEN­T: Boughey is presented with the bronze patron award from Veterans into Logistics. Pictured, from left, are John Harker (VIL), Darren Wright (VIL), Neil Trotter (Boughey) and Alex Hall (Boughey).
RECRUITMEN­T: Boughey is presented with the bronze patron award from Veterans into Logistics. Pictured, from left, are John Harker (VIL), Darren Wright (VIL), Neil Trotter (Boughey) and Alex Hall (Boughey).

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