The Sentinel


- PORT Vale supporter EDDIE JACKSON has his say on the latest Valiants news...

ITHOUGHT I’d look back on the contrastin­g and eventful weeks I experience­d over the past fortnight, showing what following your team everywhere entails.

On Monday last week we went to London by train. Went by Undergroun­d to Knightsbri­dge and had coffee in Harrods. Not been in there for over 20 years as their prices are way beyond my purse.

Only £6.50 for the coffee and a mere £12.50 if you added a piece of cake! We passed on that at that price! How the other half live.

There were no prices shown on watches, necklaces etc, perhaps on the basis of ‘if you need to ask the price you can’t afford it.’

Sadly, I came across no bargain strikers in Harrods of use to Vale. Then we checked into our studio flat near Stamford Bridge. Small but of high quality. Went to see Chelsea v Newcastle in the evening.

Exciting game but Newcastle lost. They defended like the Vale but finished much better. Great view. Away fans there in force and in good voice. Pleasant stewards. Terrific atmosphere.

Next day onward via the fairly new Elizabeth Line to Stratford for the huge Westfield Shopping Mall adjacent to what used to be called the Olympic Stadium.

Then to our accommodat­ion close to Leyton Orient. The accommodat­ion was pretty rough and did not match expectatio­ns including a fully stocked minibar which was empty, an alleged garden view which looked like a fly-tipping site and air conditioni­ng which was actually a fan inside a wardrobe.

Off to Leyton in the evening. Friendly stewards. A decent view. Impressive and supportive near-300 Vale following. Best Vale performanc­e for a while and deserved point.

Next morning off to Euston. Announceme­nt of discovery of a suspicious package and need to evacuate the station. Loads did so but it turned out to be a routine test! A bit alarming but less scary than watching Vale these days.

On Saturday I went to Vale with hopes of a rare victory against outof-form Oxford.

After a good start Vale fell behind and never recovered. Another disappoint­ing defeat especially as results elsewhere were favourable.

A week clear of fixtures then almost the last chance saloon as we travel to Burton whose recent form is even worse than that of Vale. We’ve won on our last three trips to the Pirelli Stadium, including two FA Cup matches.

Can we do it again? Don’t bet on it. The pre-match meal at might offer more satisfacti­on.

So, after a week taking in several matches, obtaining mixed results, experienci­ng life at both ends of the ladder, unable to identify future Vale signings in Harrods or Poundland, travelling many miles, sampling expensive luxury at Harrods, accommodat­ion of varying quality, the question is the one my mother would invariably ask me on arrival home after a long distance Vale defeat ‘well, was it worth it?’.

Yes, of course it was, mother...

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