The Sentinel


Teen could be moved for ‘crucial’ final year

- Rachel Alexander

A ‘TERRIFIED’ mum is locked in a council dispute – as she tries to stop her son being moved to a different college.

Teenager Keiran Jones has autism, the academic capabiliti­es of a sixyear-old child, and was diagnosed with special educationa­l needs at the age of four.

The 19-year-old now attends Newfriars College, in Bucknall, and had been due to start his final year there from this September.

But Staffordsh­ire County Council has now reviewed his case and is looking for an alternativ­e college placement elsewhere.

Keiran had always been under the county council’s care because he lived with his dad in Kidsgrove. But when his dad moved to Tunstall last year, the case was transferre­d to Stoke-ontrent City Council and then returned to the county council when Keiran moved to Tean to live with his mum.

Now mum Joanna Falconer – a former SEND teaching assistant – fears the changes of address have triggered the search for the new college.

The 42-year-old said: “I wish more than anyone that my son could go to mainstream school, drive a car, and go to the shop with his friends. I wish he could go and do what normal people do. But he can’t. That’s what makes it such an insult.

“They are saying he’s had this miraculous change all of a sudden, after a whole 16 years in special needs provisions, it’s ludicrous. It’s all about money.”

Keiran has his own education, health and care plan (EHCP).

Joanna added: “There are no changes to his EHCP – he’s not fit for mainstream education. He’ll be out of education otherwise, it’ll be me having to try my best to teach him life skills, how to look after himself – that is my biggest fear.

“This will be his last year from September, it’s crucial. He only started making small steps of progressio­n in the last couple of years at the college. He doesn’t cope with change. I’d like somebody to have some accountabi­lity and some consciousn­ess.”

Staffordsh­ire County Council says Keiran’s parents can appeal any decision made by the local authority.

Councillor Jonathan Price, cabinet member for education and SEND, said: “Supporting our young people to get the education they need, whatever their requiremen­ts, and to get the best start to prepare them for their careers is a top priority to us.

“We want to resolve Keiran’s case as soon as possible to ensure he’s on the most appropriat­e path from September.

“His casefile was sent to colleagues at Stoke-on-trent City Council on December 15 after he moved house with his dad.

“Our SEND team received this back this year when Keiran moved to his mum’s in Tean. There was no reference to any agreement being made by the city council’s SEND team for another placement at Newfriars from September.

“As is normal practice, Keiran’s casefile was then assessed by our preparing for adulthood panel as he’s 19 years old. The panel decided not to agree to another year’s placement at Newfriars but to instead consult with further education colleges in the area.

“Mrs Falconer can, of course, appeal the panel’s decision and we’d like to reassure her that our team will be fully supportive whatever course of action she takes.

“We are committed to ensuring this is settled promptly so Keiran has certainty moving forward.”

 ?? ?? STUDENT: Keiran Jones who faces the prospect of being placed in a mainstream education setting.
STUDENT: Keiran Jones who faces the prospect of being placed in a mainstream education setting.

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