The Sentinel


Council in talks over building’s future

- Dave Knapper

DISCUSSION­S are ongoing over the future of a fire-hit former Hanley nightspot.

Yesterday marked a week since a blaze tore through the old Yates’s bar, and council officials say no firm decision has yet been made over the building’s future.

Police are continuing to guard the area after a body was recovered from the site at the weekend. Part of Brockley Square is taped off and fencing has been installed in front of the charred remains of the building which once played host to part of The Sentinel’s city centre base.

Around 60 firefighte­rs had descended on the scene after the alarm was raised at 5.45am on March 12. A subsequent investigat­ion saw a 63-year-old man, of no fixed address, and a 33-year-old woman, of Stokeon-trent, arrested on suspicion of attempted arson with intent to endanger life. The man has since been released with no further action while the woman was previously released on conditiona­l bail while inquiries continue.

Specialist search teams and forensics were able to access the building at the end of last week where on Saturday a body was found. The individual has not yet been identified.

Previously Stoke-on-trent City Council had said officials had been supporting nearby residents and businesses affected by the cordon which had seen Trinity Street, Foundry Street and Stafford Street shut.

That cordon has now been scaled way back with just Foundry Street closed. The local authority has not yet been able to determine just what the future holds for the site as an investigat­ion into what triggered the huge blaze is still ongoing.

A council spokespers­on said: “The incident area is still being managed by Staffordsh­ire Police. We are in ongoing discussion­s about what the next steps will be for the site.”

 ?? ?? FENCED OFF: A police cordon remains outside the former Yates’s nightclub in Hanley.
FENCED OFF: A police cordon remains outside the former Yates’s nightclub in Hanley.

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