The Sentinel


City council answers questions on new brown bin service

- Gary Porter

Why do councils charge for garden waste collection­s?

Not everyone needs or uses the current garden waste collection service and making it a self-funding service enables us to provide the service for only those who want it. There is no legal obligation for councils to collect garden waste free of charge. More than 70% of all local authoritie­s in England now charge for garden waste collection­s as a nonessenti­al, opt-in service.

What are the alternativ­es to garden waste collection­s?

People who do not wish to use the garden waste service may also wish to consider home composting. You can also take your garden waste to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre (the tip). Utilise the free disposal option at either of the two Household Waste Recycling Centres. Locations listed below:

Hanford, Campbell Rd, Hanford, Stokeon-trent ST4 4DX;

Federation Road, Burslem, Stoke-ontrent ST6 4HU.

Why is there a charge for garden waste collection­s?

While some people value garden waste collection­s, others don’t want or require it. To ensure this is fair, this is a chargeable, opt-in service. Residents can decide if they would like to receive garden waste collection­s or not, and only those who do so pay an annual charge and fund the service.

How much does it cost?

It costs £40 per annum/per bin. Collection­s will take place fortnightl­y with a break during the Christmas period.

Why £40?

We have benchmarke­d against other local authoritie­s before proposing the £40 charge for garden waste collection; the annual charge is comparable.

How do I subscribe and when by?

You can subscribe and pay online by credit or debit card by following this link: Garden Waste Subscripti­ons. You are encouraged to sign up for the service as soon as possible to maximise on collection­s. The annual charge of £40 per bin runs from April 2024 until the end of March 2025. There is no reduction in cost if you join later in the year.

How will you know who has subscribed and who hasn’t?

You will receive a sticker to put on your bin to show that you have registered for the service. Your sticker should arrive 10 working days after you subscribe. Our incab technology on our collection vehicles also gives up to date informatio­n to the waste collection crews, so if your sticker has been delayed then our crew will still know if you have subscribed.

Can I share a garden waste bin with a neighbour?

Yes, if you and a neighbour wish to share, then one of you will need to pay the charge and you can arrange between yourselves how you split the use of the subscribed bin. We are not responsibl­e for any agreements that you enter into with your neighbour.

Can I have more than one garden waste bin?

Yes, if you would like further bins they will be at a charge of £40 per bin. There will also be an additional annual subscripti­on charge of £40 per bin. You will receive a sticker per bin.

FROM April 1 residents across the city will have to fork out £40 per year to get their garden waste collected.

Earlier this month, Stokeon-trent City Council voted

I only use my garden waste bin in the summer – can I just pay for the months that I use it?

No, the garden waste service is an annual subscripti­on charge of £40.

Can I have a smaller bin or a new bin?

If you subscribe to the service, then you will continue using your existing garden waste bin for collection­s. We do not supply garden waste bins in smaller sizes.

Is the charge the same irrespecti­ve of when I join the service?

Yes. Collection­s will begin at the start of April and the charge for the whole year is £40 – this does not change if you join after this date.

Can I pay the charge in instalment­s?

No, the annual charge must be paid in full in advance of the start of your collection­s. The annual charge will cover the service from the start of April until the end of March each year.

Do I pay the same charge even though I am in receipt of benefit payments?

Yes, there are no concession­s.

I have subscribed and paid online, but I have not received my sticker yet, what do I do?

If you have paid for the new service and do not receive your new sticker before collection­s start in April, you can still put out your garden waste for collection as our crews will know that you have already registered. Once you receive your sticker, please place this on your bin (on the side underneath the bin handle) as soon as possible.

Is there a charge for a replacemen­t bin?

Yes, £40. However, if your bin has to make its garden waste collection service an opt-in paid-for subscripti­on scheme.

It is one of 41 cuts and savings approved in the council’s 2024/25 budget.

The authority had previously charged £15 to collect garden waste between November and April.

The city council carried out its been lost or damaged by the refuse collection crews, we will replace it, at our discretion, free of charge if it is no longer considered usable.

I have paid up for garden waste collection­s but no longer want the service - can I cancel my subscripti­on?

You can cancel the service at any time, but you will not be refunded or partrefund­ed.

Can I put my garden waste in my grey bin?

No, as it won’t get appropriat­ely recycled and will negatively impact on the performanc­e of our local Energy from Waste plant. If you do not wish to home compost, you can also take your garden waste for recycling at your nearest Household Waste Recycling Centre.

If I move to a new house, do I take my bin with me?

No - The bin needs to remain at your old property. You can however transfer the service to a new address if you are moving within Stoke-on-trent. Please contact Wastemanag­ and we will re-allocate your subscripti­on to your new address at a cost of £10.

What do I do with my bin and sticker if I am moving out of Stoke-on-trent?

As there are no refunds for this service under these circumstan­ces, you can leave your bin and sticker for the people moving into the property to use until the end of the service period.

If I do not subscribe to the service what do I do with my bin?

The bin needs to remain at your property. If you move home it will be available for the new occupier if they wish to subscribe to the service. last free brown bin collection service on March 18. From April Fool’s Day, residents will have to start paying.

If you’ve got questions about the new paid-for service - such as whether you can share a bin or if there are any concession­s - here is all you need to know from the council ahead of the launch on April 1.

I have an assisted collection - will this continue if I sign up to the chargeable service?


Can I burn my garden waste?

It is an offence under the Environmen­tal Protection Act 1990 (as amended) to dispose of domestic waste in a way that can cause pollution to the environmen­t or harm to human health, such as by burning it. This means you must not burn certain types of waste that can create excessive smoke and fumes.

Are any properties exempt from the charge?

No. All those who wish to access the service will need to subscribe.

Is it legal to charge for the collection of garden waste?

Under the Environmen­tal Protection Act 1990, and the Controlled Waste Regulation­s (England and Wales) 2012, councils can charge for the collection of garden waste.

Is the service available to everyone?

If you currently have a garden waste bin collected you are eligible.

What schedule frequency will the garden waste bin be collected on?

The service will be a fortnightl­y service running for 50 out of 52 weeks of the year (25 collection­s). Collection­s may be suspended due to extreme weather.

When will my bin be emptied?

Garden waste bins are emptied fortnightl­y on the same weekday as your recycling bin. Collection­s will only be suspended in cases of bad weather (and any of the circumstan­ces detailed within the terms and conditions) and in such circumstan­ces, we will collect the bin when it is safe to do so. No refunds will be made for suspension­s of the service due to bad weather conditions.

Will my collection day for garden waste stay the same as it currently is?

Yes, but is subject to change. You will be notified of any changes in advance.

What happens on bank holidays?

Apart from Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, there will be no changes to your usual day of collection. Some rescheduli­ng may take place over the Christmas period.

Will side waste be taken by the binmen if presented next to the brown bin on collection day?

Garden side waste is not permitted and will not be collected alongside the brown bin. Organic waste is not allowed in grey bins or side waste presented with grey bins and will be classed as contaminat­ion.

Why is organic waste classed as contaminat­ion in grey bins?

Organic waste affects the performanc­e of the Energy from Waste Plant (the incinerato­r) if presented in large quantities. We aim to recycle organic waste, not incinerate it.

I don’t need to put my bin out every fortnight; will I get a discount/ reduction?

No, the charge is fixed for the year.

What can I put in my garden bin?

Small branches, hedge cuttings, garden plant waste, grass cuttings, fruit and veg waste are accepted.

Can I line my bin or put my waste in bags/sacks?

No. Garden waste must be loose.

What happens if you miss my bin?

If your bin was out on time and there were no issues reported by the crew then please contact us by the end of the next working day. This will then be recorded as a missed collection and a crew should return within two working days. This is in line with our existing service policies.

What happens if the collection­s are suspended because of snow or other operationa­l issues?

In such circumstan­ces we will do our best to return as soon as possible. If we cannot return to empty your bin, or the collection is delayed, we will not offer any refunds. More details are provided in our terms and conditions.

What happens if I put the wrong things in my garden waste bin and it is not emptied?

If the crew report that the bin has the wrong items in it and is therefore contaminat­ed, the bin will not be emptied. Please remove any contaminat­ion and your bin will be collected on the next scheduled collection day.

What happens if I forget to put my bin out/i put my bin out late?

If the crew report that the bin was not out when they came, the team will not be able to return until the next scheduled collection day.

Please ensure your bin is presented at the edge of your property by 6am on the morning of collection with the handle facing the road.

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