The Sentinel



Channel 5

Leah returns to Summer Bay – but not to Justin. Instead, she moves in with Alf and Marilyn, and although she feels strong enough to reconnect with Theo, she informs Justin she needs more space to recover.

The Surf Club appears to be sinking fast thanks to Simon Henderson who pays more members of the committee to resign and announces he plans to withdraw sponsorshi­p, forcing the venue to close.

Remi regains consciousn­ess following his surgery. Levi, pictured, meanwhile, prepares to return to the city, prompting Mackenzie to reveal how she feels about him.


Peri, pictured, is still reeling from the news that Romeo was stabbed and tells James they need to help him escape from prison.

Everything seems to be going to plan as the co-conspirato­rs drug a guard and set off the fire alarm, but then it all goes awry when a disguised Romeo exits through the front entrance and not at the back where James and Peri are waiting in a getaway van.

Improvisin­g, he gets behind the wheel of an empty taxi, but two passengers get in the back – Dilly and Prince.

Elsewhere, Darren invites Jack to come home.

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The Longest Lie-in event, pictured, is a huge success, despite Chelsea’s best efforts to spoil everything as her feud with Krista continues.

However, it’s not without drama. While Cara and Remi attempt to psych-out Haz and Mackenzie, Byron tries to flirt with Sadie.

But the biggest moment comes when Melanie, who storms out of the competitio­n as Toadie lavishes attention on Terese, is picked up on walkie talkie telling Holly exactly what she got up to with her ex-husband. Terese is horrified and, of course, immediatel­y turns to Paul for support.

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