The Sentinel


- Michael Baggaley port vale

READING supporters have donated thousands towards a statue of John Rudge at Vale Park.

More than 800 Vale fans are waiting to see what recompense they will get from Reading after travelling to Saturday’s game at the Royals only for the game to be abandoned because of a pitch invasion by home supporters in protest against their owner Dai Yongge.

In the meantime, Reading fans have thanked Vale supporters for their patience on Saturday by donating to the statue fund. By Monday evening Royals supporters had donated more than £5,000, taking the fund total past £85,000 towards the target of around £100,000.

Vale supporters are determined to have the statue in place in time for John Rudge’s 80th birthday in October. They believe the statue, which will be outside the Hamil end of the ground, will be a fitting tribute to the club’s greatest manager.

John led Vale to three promotions and three Wembley appearance­s in his 16 years as manager and kept the club in what is now the Championsh­ip for the majority of the 1990s.

Port Vale Supporters’ Club chairman Mark Porter, below, spotted Reading fans had donated around £200 to the fund on Sunday evening and so posted on social media to thank them. That has been picked up by fellow Royals fans who have also chipped in.

He told The Valiant newsletter:

“It is an incredible gesture. They are fighting to save their club and, because our fans did so much to support them on Saturday, so many have donated.”

Now Porter is urging fans at games across the country to applaud on the 16th minute of their games this weekend in support of Reading supporters. Minute 16 is symbolic for Reading fans because it is the number of points their club has been docked by the league under their owner.

Comments from Reading supporters on the John Rudge statue fund-raising page include…

“I remember John Rudge from the old Division Two. He built Port Vale into one of the best teams in the division. Superb guy. I know how much he meant to Vale fans. After the support from the travelling supporters during RFC’S protest on Saturday (you were all tremendous), I felt this was the least I could do and I hope the statue will stand for decades. I look forward to travelling up for the unveiling!”

“We at Reading FC appreciate­d the Port Vale fans’ understand­ing and support. I was there Saturday, we are all sorry you had a wasted journey but fans had to do something. Thank you, thank you, thank you and much respect to all those that were there!”

“I was there on Saturday and on the pitch, to hear Port Vale supporters singing in support of our survival was a great boost! Thank you for your support.”

If you would like to donate to the statue project, please visit the John Rudge Statue Go Fund Me page.

Meanwhile, Reading owner Dai Yongge has been fined a further £50,000 by the EFL for failing to fund a deposit account to cover the salaries of players and staff.

The club have been hit with a series of points deductions and financial penalties under Yongge’s stewardshi­p.

The EFL board will discuss Saturday’s events when it meets later this week, but the organisati­on also urged Yongge to either “fund the club adequately” or make “immediate arrangemen­ts” to sell the Royals.

A statement from the EFL read: “In November 2023, the EFL called for the disqualifi­cation of Mr Dai following the failure to fund the deposit account to cover player and staff salaries following repeated breaches of EFL regulation­s. “This was ultimately rejected by an independen­t disciplina­ry commission and a financial sanction was imposed instead. “The EFL has now received confirmati­on that Mr Dai did not meet last Friday’s latest deadline to fund the deposit account as ordered, meaning he has been in default for nearly four months.

“As a result - and as per the terms of the 15 December decision - a further £50,000 fine has now been imposed, taking the total to £80,000.

“His continued failings mean that once again the club’s hardworkin­g staff have no reassuranc­e as to payment of wages and demonstrat­es a clear disregard for his obligation­s as a director of the club.

“The League will now consider all options it has under the regulation­s and will have no hesitation in bringing further charges.

“In the meantime, and for the sake of the future of Reading FC, its staff, supporters, and local community, we urge Mr Dai either to fund the club adequately or to make immediate arrangemen­ts to sell his majority shareholdi­ng to appropriat­e new owners so everyone can move forward with renewed optimism.

“For our part, we will work with Mr Dai, his team, and the club plus any potential purchaser to navigate and meet the requiremen­ts of the regulation­s as quickly as possible.”

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