The Scotsman

Luton fans furious at FA flag ‘cover-up’

- Andy Hampson

Luton have said they are “extremely disappoint­ed” that a banner reading “betrayed by the FA” was covered up during an England Under-21s fixture at Kenilworth Road.

The flag, which is critical of the Football Associatio­n's role in the 30-point deduction handed to the club in 2008, was hung at the ground by Hatters fans.

The punishment, imposed for financial irregulari­ties, led to Luton's relegation from the English Football League at the end of the 2008-09 season.

They spent five years as a non-league club before rising back up the ranks and spending one season in the Premier League in 2023-24.

The banner has been displayed at the stadium since the sanction was imposed but the pertinent line was folded up and obscured as the FA staged England Under-21s' friendly against Austria on Monday.

The Loyal Luton Supporters Club issued a statement demanding an explanatio­n as the flag “symbolises LTFC'S remarkable rise from near collapse”. And the fans’ position has been supported by the Championsh­ip club’s hierarchy, who said this was not something they agreed to and they declined an earlier request to remove the banner altogether.

A statement read: “In the final build-up to the match, the FA asked for the flag to be taken down, a request that the club rejected. Instead, the corner was folded, which meant the flag remained in place, but the full extent of its meaning was compromise­d

“The club understand­s the reaction from the fanbase and is extremely disappoint­ed the FA felt the need to hide the message.”

 ?? ?? Luton Town supporters’ flag
Luton Town supporters’ flag

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