The Scotsman

Now & Then



Traditiona­l date for return of the dove to Noah’s Ark with an olive leaf.

1422: Henry VI of England acceded to the throne at the age of nine months.

1538: Pope Paul II excommunic­ated King Henry VIII of England.

1751: British troops, under Sir Robert Clive, occupied Arcot, India. 1836: HMS Beagle, with Charles Darwin aboard, anchored in Postage Praia, Cape Verde Islands. 1887: Thomas Edison patented the kinetoscop­e to produce moving pictures.

1888: The first victim of Jack the Ripper, Mary “Polly” Nichols, a prostitute, was found dead in Whitechape­l, London.

1897: General Kitchener’s forces occupied Berber, north of Khartoum.

1900: Coca-cola went on sale in Britain.

1907: Britain, Russia and France formed the Triple Alliance.

1908: WG Grace retired from firstclass cricket at the age of 60. He scored 54,896 runs (126 centuries), took 2,879 wickets and held 871 catches over 43 years.

1924: Paavo Nurmi of Finland set a new world record time of 30:06.2 for the 10,000 metres.

1957: Malaysia (formerly Malaya) gained independen­ce from Britain. 1962: Chris Bonington and Ian Clough became the first Britons to conquer the north face of the Eiger. 1962: Trinidad & Tobago gained independen­ce from Britain.

1976: George Harrison was found guilty of “subconscio­us plagiarism” after lifting the melody from the Chiffons’ He’s So Fine for his first solo recording, My Sweet Lord in 1971. He was ordered to pay £1,599,987.

1980: The Solidarity trade union movement was recognised by the Polish government as the Gdansk Agreement was signed.

1984: Pinklon Thomas beat Tim Witherspoo­n to win the WBC heavyweigh­t title in Las Vegas. 1990: Baton-wielding French riot police clashed with farmers demonstrat­ing against imported British meat.

1990: President FW de Klerk announced that membership of South Africa’s National Party was to be open to all races. 1990: East and West Germany signed a unificatio­n treaty, joining their legal and political systems. 1993: HMS Mercury, the Royal Navy’s communicat­ions establishm­ent, was decommissi­oned.

1994: Peace in Northern Ireland moved a step closer as the IRA announced a “complete cessation of military operations”.

1994: World chess champion Gary Kasparov was defeated by a computer.

1997: Diana, Princess of Wales, 36, and Dodi Fayed, died in a highspeed car crash in Paris.

2006: Stolen on 22 August, 2004, Edvard Munch’s famous painting The Scream was recovered by Norwegian police.

2011: The town of Wootton Bassett held a special service to mark the end of military repatriati­ons there. Since 2007 the bodies of 345 service personnel had passed through the Wiltshire town.

2023: A computer model suggested humanity was almost wiped out 900,000 years ago with just 1,280 breeding individual­s left.

 ?? PICTURE: GETTY ?? Legendary cricketer WG Grace retired from the first-class game at the age of 60 after 43 years on this day in 1908
PICTURE: GETTY Legendary cricketer WG Grace retired from the first-class game at the age of 60 after 43 years on this day in 1908

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