The Scotsman

Riot grrrl anthems with attitude from a band with fire in their bellies

- Fiona Shepherd

Cult US rockers Sleaterkin­ney celebrated their 30th year as a band with as much fire in their bellies as the day they roared out of Olympia in Washington State. Back then, they called it riot grrrl, a punky snarling kick in the patriarchy’s balls. While the music news of the day was all about the Oasis reunion, singer/guitarists Corin Tucker and Carrie Brownstein professed their awe for opening act Gina Birch of punk sheroes The Raincoats, but they are now also the veteran standard bearers with a cathartic sound that lives beyond any undergroun­d scene.

There were spontaneou­s cheers for Tucker's still nd mighty, slightly mannered holler which sounds perpetuall­y, thrillingl­y on the edge of unravellin­g yet always hits the mark. She and Brownstein are even better when they tag team in feral

power. With 11 albums to play with, they were not always about the attack, with their bandmates folding in choppy new wave vibes to create some fun momentum or flirting with synth pop before unleashing the piledrivin­g drumming and fuzz guitar.

All Hands On The Bad One was quintessen­tial riot grrrrl, an anthem with attitude about casting out evil before you’ve got your own house in order. Hunt You Down mixed unison vocals, hoary rock guitar and chunky synth chords, while Good Things reflected the Nineties grunge pop

milieu into which the band was born. Modern Girl even provoked a lusty audience singalong to its pared-back guitar and melodica opening until the drums kicked in and they closed the main set with Tucker communing down in the crowd on Untidy Creature.

The encore finished the job, including the unfettered bellow of key favourite Dig Me Out and newer track The Center Won’t Hold, with Brownstein marshallin­g hard but controlled riffing and its backing vocals ringing out like a punky work song.

 ?? PICTURE: CHRIS HORNBECKER ?? Sleater-kinney – veteran undergroun­d standard bearers
PICTURE: CHRIS HORNBECKER Sleater-kinney – veteran undergroun­d standard bearers

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