The Scotsman

Dead pigeons found in hospital years before action taken, inquiry told

- Nick Forbes

Dead pigeons were being found in a hospital at the centre of infection concerns years before action was taken to address the issue, an inquiry has heard.

The Scottish Hospitals Inquiry was told that as early as 2016, pest controller­s were being called to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow to remove dead pigeons from plant rooms, where air handling units linked to the ventilatio­n system were located.

The inquiry was shown part of a survey by cleaning firm GP Environmen­talfrom march 2017, which stated“ledges, beams, walls, floors and walkways of the plant rooms” had “a heavy build-up” of pigeon droppings.

Karen Connelly, who became general manager of estates and facilities at the hospital in 2018 told the inquiry she had not been aware of the reports, but that the pigeon problem at the hospital was “well known”.

The former facilities manager, whose team was responsibl­e for pest control, said it was not until January 2019 that she became aware pigeons were getting into plant rooms.

She said shortly before this, she became aware of a potential link between pigeon droppings and Cryptococc­osis, which had been identified by the hospital’s Internal Medicine Training team.

Cryptococc­osis is a fungal infection that can spread to humans from pigeon droppings.

Up until this point, she said, she thought pigeons posed a health and safety risk of“slip ping, and also from an aesthetic point of view it looks dreadful as well ”. The inquiry was launched in the wake of deaths linked to infections, including that of 10-year-old Milly Main.

GP Environmen­tal was instructed to carry out a survey of the problem, and on January 8, 2019 it reported a “significan­t feral pigeon infestatio­n across the site at the QEUH, Glasgow”.

Ms Connelly said she then visited the plant rooms, saying in her statement to the inquiry: “We found evidence of pigeon infestatio­n and pigeon guano. This was my first visit to the plant room since the concerns were raised.”

She said she instructed GP Environmen­tal to put together “a programme of work to clean every plant room within the hospital site, and to install proofing or block up any gap sin the buildings that pigeons maybe able to access”.

She agreed with counsel to the inquiry craig conn al kc that the reference in the report to health and safety issues was a “surprise”, adding she had not seen that in other reports from GP Environmen­tal but she did not question it.

She explained: “I just assumed that because of aesthetica­lly, how bad it looked, about possible slips and trips and falls, but also the fact that there had been that connection to the recent outbreaks in the wards”.

She said after starting cleanup work, GP Environmen­tal was “on site daily for a period of weeks, if not months”, and she was shown photograph­s of pigeon guano in a variety of locations around the site.

In her statement to the inquiry, Ms Connelly conceded: “Possibly in hindsight we could have had regular inspection­s of the plant rooms and other inaccessib­le areas carried out by pest control companies, which may have prevented the problem arising to such a level.”

 ?? PICTURE: JOHN DEVLIN ?? The Scottish Hospitals Inquiry was told that as early as 2016, pest controller­s were being called to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow to remove dead pigeons from plant rooms
PICTURE: JOHN DEVLIN The Scottish Hospitals Inquiry was told that as early as 2016, pest controller­s were being called to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow to remove dead pigeons from plant rooms

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