The Scotsman

‘Dangerous’ proposals on sex workers

- Donald Turvill

Plans for Edinburgh Council to officially adopt a position that sex work is “not a valid form of work” have been described as “dangerous” by a union, warning it will lead to further harm.

As the Scottish Government seeks to implement its “Equally Safe” strategy, local authoritie­s have been asked to have a “clear position statement in place that recognises commercial sexual exploitati­on as a form of violence against women and girls”.

Last week city councillor­s were set to debate the controvers­ial move, which wouldn’t result in any immediate changes but could influence how strip clubs are regulated in future and other policy decisionma­king.

However, a report containing the one-page statement was pulled from the policy and sustainabi­lity committee at the last minute to give members more time to consider the impact. It is due to be tabled again in October.

Since taking power at the City Chambers in 2022 the Labour administra­tion has made two failed attempts to end the operation of the city’s “sexual entertainm­ent venues” (SEVS) by setting the maximum number of venuesat zero, and has supported this new position being adopted.

If approved it would be the official view of the council that sex work, which includes “escorting, camming, sugar daddying/sugar mummying, online videos and galleries, peep shows, and live sex shows”, is not a “valid form of work and/or a civil right, which should be legalised and regulated”.

But the Sex Workers’ Union, which defeated the council in court over its first bid to ban strip clubs, said it was “an inherently dangerous position for the council to dictate that all sex work is exploitati­on and violence”.

And it criticised the authority for not directly engaging with sex workers or pro-decriminal­isation organisati­ons about the plans before putting them in front of councillor­s.

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