The Scotsman

Statistics show loss of more than 700 firefighte­rs in decade

- Sarah Ward

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has raised concerns about a drop of more than 700 firefighte­rs over the past decade, warning that cuts are leaving Scotland “less safe”.

New figures from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) show the number of whole-time operationa­l firefighte­rs has dropped from 4,159 in 2011/12 to 3,422 in 2023/4, a loss of 737 posts and a record low since the creation of the single force.

Concerns were raised by the FBU about the ability to protect the public following the publicatio­n of annual performanc­e statistics. the number of control room staff has also fallen, from 234 to 172.

Reducing the number of firefighte­rs results in more fire appliances being “off the run” and unable to respond to emergencie­s, a situation that is most acute in the retained fire service which serves 80 per cent of Scotland’s land mass, including rural and island communitie­s, according to the FBU. In these areas, the service has lost 344 firefighte­rs in the past decade.

The union also raised concern about the falling number of home fire safety visits – down by 5.1 per cent.

John Mckenzie, FBU Scottish secretary, said :“These new performanc­estatistic­s confirm everything the fire brigades union has been saying since the creation of the single service.

“If you cut the number of operationa­l firefighte­rs, cut the numbers in control rooms, have fewer appliances available and reduce home fire safety visits then it is inevitable that response times increase and the communitie­s and businesses of Scotland become less safe.

“More than a decade of under funding has resulted in the decline of the service and a reduced capacity to deal with emergency situations.

“We need a credible, year-onyear investment programme that increases the budget for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and ensures that we have the right number of firefighte­rs, trained to the highest standard and with the equipment required to keep the public safe.”

A Scottish Government spokespers­on said: “Whilst recruitmen­t is an operationa­l matter for SFRS, we are maintainin­g frontline services and Scotland continues to have a higher number of firefighte­rs per head of population than other parts of the UK .”

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