The Scotsman

Drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes linked to lower dementia risk – study

- Storm Newton

Medication used to treat type 2 diabetes has been linked to a 35 per cent lower risk of dementia in a new study.

Experts said the idea of repurposin­g existing drugs to treat diseases that cause dementia “is one that has huge potential”, although researcher­s stressed trials are needed to confirm their findings.

The study by Korean academics analysed data from 110,885 type 2 diabetics aged between 40 and 69 on the Korea National Health Insurance Service.

The patients were either taking sodium-glucose cotranspor­ter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors, which work by reducing the amount of glucose the kidneys re absorb, allowing it top ass out of the body in urine, or dipeptidyl­peptidase 4( D pp -4) inhibitors, also known asg lip tins, which work by blocking an enzyme that helps the body increase insulin levels after eating.

During a follow-up period, 1,172 people were newly diagnosed with dementia.

The study found sglt -2inhibitor­s were linked to a 35 percent lower risk of dementia compared with DPP-4 inhibitors.

Researcher­s said :“thisassoci­ation was similarly observed for Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia and was also consistent across subgroups. We observed a greater associatio­n with treatment duration longer than two years. These findings underscore the need for future randomised controlled trials.”

Dr Jacqui Hanley, head of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, also called for the findings–published in the bmj–to be confirmed in “robust clinical trials ”.

“It will also be important to investigat­e the mechanisms behind this apparent effect, as this could give researcher­s clues for other treatment approaches,” she said.

“It is encouragin­g to see large studies exploring whether drugs that have already been licensed could be repurposed as dementia treatments.

“Since these drugs have already been shown to be safe for use in people, this could potentiall­y speed up the process of testing them in clinical trials against dementia, as well as making it significan­tly cheaper.

“More broadly, the idea of repurposin­g existing drugs to treat the diseases that cause dementia is one that has huge potential.

“At Alzheimer’s Research UK, we know that roughly a third of drugs in clinical trials disease are already used for other conditions.

“If we are to cure dementia, clinicians will need a toolkit of treatments which tackle different aspects of the disease and can be used in combinatio­n.

“Research into repurposin­g drugs may help us do just that.”

Professor William Whiteley, professor of neurology and epidemiolo­gy at the University of Edinburgh, warned the findings could be down to a “quirk of the study design”.

““Unfortunat­ely, one can never be sure about the effects of a medicine by looking at health record data.

“If this study were true, then Sglt -2 inhibitors would almost halve the risk of some types of dementia, which is much larger than the effect of medicines to reduce dementia progressio­n, or medicines to prevent heart attack and stroke.

“Instead, a quirk of the study design has probably given this result.”

It is encouragin­g to see large studies exploring whether drugs already licensed could be repurposed

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