The Scotsman

Scots Tory frontrunne­r to make push for ‘fairness and decency’

- David Bol Deputy Political Editor

The frontrunne­r to become the next leader of the Scottish Conservati­ves will point to “fairness and decency” as he attempts to distance himself from allegation­s Douglas Ross plotted to hand over power to him last year.

Russell Findlay, who is one of six candidates vying to become the next leader of the Scottish Tories, will officially launch his campaign today, claiming he will “speak up for decent, mainstream Scotland” if he wins the contest.

But the leadership race has been thrown into turmoil after one of the candidates Meghan Gal lac her quit as mr ross’ s deputyon friday. her decision came after allegation­s emerged Mr Ross had plotted to quit more than a year ago to swap Holyrood for Westminste­r - and named his preferred successor as Mr Findlay. Four of the candidates - Murdo Fraser, Jamie Greene, Brian Whittle and Liam Kerr - have called for the contest to be paused, warning they were “deeply concerned by the disturbing claims” and questioned the “transparen­cy and fairness” of the contest.

Mr Ross met with the Tory Westminste­r candidate for Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey, Kathleen Robertson, in July last year to ask if he could replace her for the general election and would resign as party leader if selected.

He allegedly told her his“heart was in Westminste­r, not Holy rood ”. but ms robertson reportedly refused his request despite being promised selection as a Holyrood candidate in 2026.

Mr Ross was also at the centreof a bitter selection battle for the Aberdeensh­ire North and Moray East seat when the-then incumbent David Duguid was told by the party he was not well enough to stand and Mr Ross stepped into take his place, only to lose the seat to the SNP’S Seamus Logan. During the row, Mr Ross was forced to announce he was quitting as party leader, regardless of the result - angering his colleagues over his previous pledge not to seek re-election to Westminste­r to focus on Holyrood.

Mr Ross said he sought the meeting with Ms Robertson at the request of local members to check she was “still committed to standing for the seat”.

Mr Findlay has insisted he had “no knowledge” of the talks between Mr Ross and Ms Robertson, adding “recent developmen­ts underline why change is so necessary” within the party.

Officially launching his campaign today, Mr Findlay is set to warn that “decency has gone missing from Scottish politics”.

He will add: “The hopes and concerns of decent people barely get a look-in at holy rood. There’s a lack of decency in disagreeme­nt too. That all must change. My whole life I’ve been guided by my conservati­ve values and conviction­s of fairness and decency. I’m putting forward a positive Conservati­ve vision, rooted in those values, which champions commonsens­e, aspiration and opportunit­y.”

Mr find lay will tell activists the “mission” of the Scottish Tories “must be to speak up for decent, mainstream Scotland”.

He will add: “I have the determinat­ion to do what I believe is right for our party and our country. I won’t bring back decency to Scottish politics on my own. I’ve got the life experience to know that. but, as leader, i would make sure that’s what the Scottish Conservati­ve and Unionist Party stands for.”

 ?? PICTURE: JEFF J MITCHELL/GETTY IMAGES ?? Russell Findlay has officially declared he will be standing to be the next Scottish Conservati­ves leader
PICTURE: JEFF J MITCHELL/GETTY IMAGES Russell Findlay has officially declared he will be standing to be the next Scottish Conservati­ves leader

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