The Scotsman

Firm focus on flexibilit­y

◆ Fife College offers a wide range of study and course options to suit all learners


“Learning options on offer allow students to combine their studies with work or family life”

The higher education (HE) landscape has changed massively over the last few years, with colleges now delivering around a quarter of all HE courses in Scotland.

Students are increasing­ly choosing to attend college to study for their HE qualificat­ions, including pathways towards a university degree, with the sector supporting more than 8,500 individual­s to progress to university each year.

Fife College, which has five campuses across the region, offers around 100 Higher National Certificat­e (HNC) and Higher National Diploma (HND) programmes across a wide range of subjects, and there is still time to apply for courses starting in August.

An HNC is the same level of study as the first year at university, while the HND is the same level of study as the second year. This means that with an HNC from Fife College, a student could progress directly into the second year of a degree course at university.

And, in some subjects, there is even the option for students to complete a full university-awarded degree at Fife College.

Through partnershi­ps with universiti­es across the country, Fife College offers more than 600 progressio­n routes from HNC/HND courses to university degrees, giving its students the option of taking up their studies closer to home than might otherwise have been possible.

There is a wide variety of learning options on offer, allowing students to combine their studies with work or family life, including parttime study, online/distance learning, and even evening or weekend options.

And there is flexibilit­y too – students at Fife College don’t need to commit up-front to a course lasting three or four years. Instead, studies can be taken one year at a time, gaining a recognised qualificat­ion for each year of study completed, before deciding what to do next.

Traditiona­lly, studying for degree qualificat­ions meant having to go away to university, which can be costly. However, Fife College can offer an alternativ­e, local path to a degree for those who don’t want to relocate for university.

Beginning your HE studies at college could be a great way of cutting down on ever-increasing travel and accommodat­ion expenses that might make studying elsewhere prohibitiv­ely expensive.

Find out more about the range of courses offered by Fife College by going online to

 ?? ?? Successful students at Fife College, which offers around 100 HNC and HND programmes across its five campuses
Successful students at Fife College, which offers around 100 HNC and HND programmes across its five campuses

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