The Scotsman

CASE STUDY Partnershi­p helps Phil from Dunfermlin­e’s new digital direction


Phil Fowler, pictured below, had been working for student accommodat­ion company Unite Students for 12 years when he was made redundant.

The 41-year-old father of three, who lives in Dunfermlin­e, realised that redundancy was inevitable as the company suffered during the restrictio­ns of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Phil recalls: “The company went through a restructur­e and I realised then that my job was under threat. I was told in March 2022 that I was being made redundant. That’s when I started looking for support.

“I knew I wanted to move on and change career, and the redundancy gave me that opportunit­y. I was interested in the tech side of my job and felt that this was something I wanted to pursue a career in.”

Partnershi­p Action for Continuing Employment (PACE) is the Scottish Government’s initiative for dealing with redundancy situations. Skills Developmen­t Scotland (SDS) leads on the delivery of PACE support in conjunctio­n with a number of partners including Department for Work and Pensions, Citizens Advice and learning providers.

Phil says: “I searched online for different opportunit­ies and found redundancy support available from Skills Developmen­t Scotland as part of PACE.

Phil received support from PACE adviser Anupama Rao, and says: “I spoke to Anupama about my situation and that I was keen to move into the digital sector. She spoke to me about making informed choices, told me about websites that have informatio­n about training – including [SDS website] My World of Work – and spoke about funding options.

“She suggested that I look at job adverts in that sector to see what was in demand and what employers were looking for, which would give me an idea of what training options I should consider.”

Phil researched relevant jobs and courses in the digital sector, while continuing to speak to Anupama about his progress.

After a few weeks of applying for jobs, the responses and job interviews started to come in. Phil says: “All the work I had done on my CV had paid off. It got to a point where I was turning down opportunit­ies as I had quite a few coming in.”

Phil was successful in securing a technical support analyst role with Currencycl­oud, a global payments platform owned by Visa. He says: “I’ve been doing the job for six months and I love it. The help I had definitely helped me achieve what I wanted following redundancy. I would 100 per cent recommend the support from SDS and PACE.”

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