The Scotsman

Former councillor avoids prison over child rape images after ‘accident’ claim

- Martyn Mclaughlin

A former councillor caught with child sex abuse images showing girls aged between five and ten being raped has been given a community sentence.

A mobile phone belonging to Ewan Dillon, who represente­d Labour for Bridge of Allan and Dunblane on Stirling Council at the time, was found to contain 58 indecent photograph­s of girls aged between five and 15.

Stirling Sheriff Court heard Police Scotland received informatio­n in May 2022 – the same month dillon was elected to the local authority – that there was a device at his home containing indecent images of children.

The categories of the images ranged between A – the most serious–to Band C. In May, Dillon pleaded guilty to downloadin­g child abuse images between October 2021 and September 2022.

After being arrested and cautioned, Dillon, a former member of the Scottish Youth Parliament, told officers: “All I want to say on the record is that it’s an accident. It’s a link, something has been downloaded, or sent to me, and I’ve deleted it. The fact of the matter is that it has been on my phone at one point, but I deleted it.”

On Wednesday, Dillon, who later became an independen­t councillor but who resigned in March this year, was given a community payback order to complete 270 hours of unpaid work, and placed on supervisio­n for two years. He was also placed on the sex offenders’ register for five years.

Sheriff Keith O’mahony said the sentence was a direct alternativ­e to custody. he told dillon: “If you breach this order, you'll be brought back before me and prison, I would imagine, would be inevitable.”

In a statement issued by the Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service, Helen Nisbet, procurator fiscal for Tayside, Central & Fife, said: “Ewan Dillon pleaded guilty to and has now been sentenced for possessing horrendous images of child abuse.

“These are not victimless crimes. They perpetuate the humiliatio­n and devastatio­n suffered by child victims of sexual abuse and are an affront to society. We will always treat these crimes seriously.” Prior to quitting the Labour group on Stirling Council, Dillon, a former student at Forth Valley College, had been vice-convener of the community planning and regenerati­on committee, and the children and young people committee.

According to the most recent criminal proceeding­s statistics published by the Scottish Government, which cover 2021/22, some 74 per cent of conviction­s for indecent photos of children resulted in community sentences.

Research for the Scottish Sentencing Council found the proportion of conviction­s for such offences which resulted in noncustodi­al sentences, has risen sharply in recent years. In 2010/11, 45.8 per cent of conviction­s resulted in custodial sentences, but the figure dropped to 25.6 per cent in 2019/20.

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