The Scotsman

Election uncertaint­y’s toll on property investors

- Scott Reid

Scotland’s commercial property market has been dogged by pre-election political uncertaint­y with investment deals falling by 15 per cent in the second quarter, new figures have revealed.

Transactio­n volumes during the three months totalled £272 million, down 15 per cent on the same period a year earlier and 31 per cent below the five-year average, according to the latest findings from property advisory firm Lismore Real Estate Advisors.

The firm noted that a smaller number of larger ticket sales, combined with “continued uncertaint­y” in the market over the timing of future interest rate cuts and the impending general election had affected transactio­n volumes.

The largest deal to be concluded in the second quarter was the £45.8m acquisitio­n of 1 West Regent Street in Glasgow, by Corum Asset Management, followed by re make Asset Management’s £36.6m acquisitio­n of HQ buildings, 2 Greenmarke­t in Dundee and 4 Pacific Quay in Glasgow, let to BT and STV respective­ly from Londonmetr­ic.

Lismore director Chris Macfarlane said: “Despite a slower than anticipate­d quarter, buyer-seller standoffs are easing, with increased buyer activity and momentum improving.

“We anticipate that the expected interest rate cuts by autumn may improve debt terms. Amid the general election, we hope the victor fosters optimism, creating a businessfr­iendly environmen­t for sustained economic growth.”

Lismore noted that logistics and multi-let industrial properties continued to see strong demand, with prime yields around 6 per cent. Office yields were improving, it added, while retail parks offered “compelling value” with 6.5 to 7 per cent yields.

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