The Scotsman

Crossbar No 1606



1 Reads about compositio­n by

senior academics (7)

5 Is the AA about to come into

the district? (4)

9 A fair distance on the track, run

in under four minutes (4)

10 A top player got in front to

argue in court (5)

11 Is refined in a smooth

performanc­e (8)

14 It took a little time to get into working order, to harmonise (6)

15 A boy getting into the

Christmas spirit (4)

16 Gives a false impression of a ball’s position on the fairway (4)

17 Has gone off a Serie A team


18 A top Spanish club is the

genuine article (4)

19 Boast about a good game on

the cards (4)

20 Arranged to be seated in a

composed way (8)

23 Move up the table to get extra

money (4)

24 First class, at speed, was

packing up (5)

26 Put one’s foot down to get the

best amplifier (5)

28 Mend or turn things around

when up to date (6)

30 Thanks to the Navy, we found

a mountain lake (4) 31 Hedge one’s bets in the event


32 Ran at speed over the ground

at Perth, Ayr, Kelso, etc (11)


1 Valuable festival of racing in

the south of England (5,5)

2 Dam stream flowing out in the

Dutch capital (9)

3 North-east runner, on time, got

along when stretched out (9) 4 Flies used by anglers, or slow

bowlers (8)

5 A group of players, in addition


6 Practises in a final run-through

on Sunday (10)

7 Is being consistent, up to a

point (6,2)

8 Tries to get a mix-up producing

ridicule (6)

12 Westwood started out at

Leeds, Everton and Elgin (3) 13 Was she one of the Lionesses?


19 Part of a harness (3)

21 Got together to appease them


22 Level-pegging at the

eleventh hour (4)

25 Found a drowned valley in Romania, India and Albania, initially (3)

27 Had no time to meet up with

an old Arsenal manager (3)

29 Leading business got into

public transport (3)

 ?? ??

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