The Scotsman


- Jim Gilchrist

Đàn Đó with Tom Bancroft, Ali Levack & James Mackay

Mackintosh Church Hall JJJJ

This east-meets-west collaborat­ion might have been a cultural collision rather than the intriguing musical colloquy it turned out to be. Opening Glasgow Jazz Festival following a residency in the Highlands, the Vietnamese ensemble Đàn Đó, comprising a trio on traditiona­l instrument­s plus saxophonis­t Quyền Thiền Đềc were joined by drummer Tom Bancroft, piper and whistle player Ali Levack and James Mackay on electric guitar (Scottish saxophonis­t Sue Mackenzie, had to drop out due to illness).

The home contingent opened, Bancroft’s bodhran then full kit, sonorous guitar and smallpipes loosely shaping apiob air eachd ground, dedicated to the absent Mackenzie. The Vietnamese then worked up a pizzicato groove on jaw harp and tuned percussion before Thiền Đềc’s baritone sax floated in.

This concatenat­ion of home-grown folk-jazz fusion and incoming jazz-bán đįa – “indigenous jazz” – gelled surprising­ly, Scottish and Vietnamese instrument­alists sparking off each other or coalescing, plaintive bamboo flute trading lines with soprano sax or Levack’s whistle. A retreat march led by Border pipes was escorted on its way by diverse Vietnamese instrument­s with solemn lyricism, while a Mackenzie compositio­n, Kindred, opened with chiming bells and clicking percussion, saxophone flourishes perhaps reflecting the Gaelic psalm-singing which apparently inspired it before horn and flute let rip.

There were exuberant excursions on western and eastern percussion, Levack’s low whistle improvisin­g breathily before Đàn Đó’s sax and a banjo-like instrument cascaded over drum thunder. The closing number involved eloquently lamenting soprano sax, percussion outbursts and a Vietnamese instrument which produced a near-human wailing. The subsequent standing ovation suggested a communicat­ive triumph.

 ?? ?? Đàn Đó have been on a residency in the Highlands
Đàn Đó have been on a residency in the Highlands

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