The Scotsman

Netanyahu claims US withholdin­g weapons

- Tia Goldenberg

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said there has been a “dramatic drop” in US weapons deliveries for Israel' s war effort in gaza, doubling down on a claim Washington has denied and underscori­ng the growing strains between the two allies.

Mr Netanyahu told his cabinet yesterday that the drop occurred four months ago, without specifying which weapons, saying only that “certain items arrived sporadical­ly but the munitions at large remained behind”.

The spat highlights how high tensions have surged between Israel and washington over the war in Gaza , particular­ly surroundin­g the Israeli military’s conduct in the beleaguere­d territory and the harm to civilian life there.

US President Joe Biden has delayed delivering certain heavy bombs since May over those concerns, but his administra­tion fought back last week against Mr Netanyahu’s charges that other shipments had also been affected.

Mr Netanyahu told the cabinet he was driven to release a video in English last week after weeks of unsuccessf­ul pleas with American officials to speed up deliveries. But he said a resolution appeared close.

“In light of what I have heard over the past day, I hope and believe that this matter will be solved soon,” he said, without elaboratin­g.

Mr Netanyahu’s video last week sparked an uproar among critics in Israel and was met with denial and confusion from White House officials.

White House national secuisrael­i rity spokesman John Kirby said the US was “perplexed” by Mr Netanyahu's claims, while press secretary Karine Jeanpierre said: “We generally do not know what he’s talking about.”

His remarks came hours after Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant travelled to Washington for meetings with senior officials. A statement from Mr Gallant's office said he would discuss “maintainin­g Israel's qualitativ­e edge in the region”, but made no mention of the weapons issue.

The war in Gaza, which was sparked by Hamas’s October 7 attack on southern Israel, has tested the Us-israel relationsh­ip like never before. While the US has staunchly supported Israel’s aims of freeing hostages taken into Gaza and defeating Hamas, it has grown increasing­ly concerned over the rising Palestinia­n death toll and the humanitari­an crisis created by the war.

Mr Biden has felt pressure from progressiv­e Democrats to take a tougher line against Israel, and he has sharpened his warnings to Mr Netanyahu over military tactics in the Gaza Strip.

But after threatenin­g to impose a more sweeping ban on arms transfers over an assault on Rafah, the administra­tion has avoided any suggestion that Israel's expanding push into the southern Gaza city has crossed a red line.

During an election year, Mr Biden is also facing critics on the right who say he has moderated his support for an essential ally in the Middle East.

Mrnetanyah­u’s critics see the spats as the result of a leader prepared to wreck important alliances and tarnish Israel's image in the world for political gain.

 ?? ?? People in Tel Aviv protest against Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and call for the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip by the Hamas militant group
People in Tel Aviv protest against Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and call for the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip by the Hamas militant group

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