The Scotsman

Key reasons behind youth problems

- Calum Ross

There has been no shortage of negativity in the discourse relating to Scotland’s youngsters in recent years.

Shocking footage of assaults regularly emerge as concerns grow over a dramatic deteriorat­ion in behaviour, while bullying has become a 24-hour-a-day ordeal for victims due to social media. Many youngsters, meanwhile, seem to consider school attendance as optional now.

These alarming trends often hit the headlines, but the reasons receive less focus. Yes, many blame school closures during the Covid-19 pandemic, but its impact is complex.

Whatever the necessity of actions taken during the crisis in 2020 and 2021, it must be remembered the psychologi­cal consequenc­es of being bombarded daily with dire warnings about a deadly virus were severe for many adults, let alone the younger generation­s who were also listening and watching.

And with a looming climate catastroph­e, and brutal wars in Ukraine and Gaza, feelings of dread might not have disappeare­d with the Covid vaccine.

The closure of schools during the pandemic also caused delays to the developmen­t of children’s speech and social skills, resulting in frustratio­n and tensions which manifest in aggressive outbursts or a desire to stay away from their peers.

The pandemic, of course, was almost immediatel­y followed by a cost-of-living crisis, which has left even more young people going without the basics. Those struggling may seek help, but often find long waiting lists for mental health services.

Indeed, there are about 400 educationa­l psychologi­sts in Scotland, for 705,528 pupils. Against such a backdrop, initiative­s such as The Haven in Tranent are playing a vital role in providing badlyneede­d support for young people, and could offer a model that can be replicated elsewhere.

Of course, it can be argued it should not be left to charities to plug gaps in public services, or that more could be done to tackle some of the root causes, such as poverty.

But until those battles can be won, schemes like The Haven would appear to be making a significan­t difference in the lives of a growing number of young people, from a generation that is long overdue some positive interventi­ons.

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