The Scotsman

Police Scotland launches probe into funeral directors amid missing ashes claims

- Sarah Ward

Police have launched a probe into a former funeral directors’ company amid claims of missing ashes.

Forensics officers were seen going into a branch of A Milne Funeral Directors in Springburn, Glasgow, after several families reported allegation­s of ashes going missing, and financial misconduct. The firm also had a branch in Dumbarton, West Dunbartons­hire, which has since closed.

A Police Scotland spokespers­on said: “An investigat­ion is ongoing into the conduct of a former funeral company that had branches in Glasgow and Dumbarton with regard to the storage/return of cremated remains and allegation­s of financial misconduct. Inquiries are at an early stage.”

A post on Facebook announced the opening of the Springburn branch in 2019, which read: “At A Milne Funeral Directors, we are committed to providing a dignified service with courtesy and respect to your loved one. Our services are available at any time, day or night with experience­d staff to help and assist you.”

The firm described itself as “an independen­t, family owned and operated organisati­on”, and a post by a customer described it as a “father-and-daughter business”.

The director, Steve Milne, was born in 1967 and took up the position in January 2023, the same month that ex-director Ashleigh Milne, born in 1987, ceased to be in the role, according to Companies House.

The National Associatio­n of Funeral Directors (NAFD) has been contacted by families.

A spokeswoma­n for the NAFD said: “We can confirm that the NAFD has received a number of complaints about A Milne, which have been scrutinise­d by our committee for profession­al standards.

“The firm appears to have stopped correspond­ing with us. However, they have been formally notified that they will be considered by the NAFD disciplina­ry committee at a meeting in May, where the ultimate sanction we have at our disposal is removal from membership.

“We do not publicly disclose the details of complaints made. As a trade associatio­n, we have no statutory powers and regulate purely by consent

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