The Scotsman

Shetland Isles’ spaceport granted crucial safety licence

- Neil Pooran

Saxavord Spaceport in Shetland has received its “range control” licence from the regulator as it prepares for its first launch this year.

The facility on Unst has been given permission by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to clear and control the “downrange” zone during launches.

It means the CAA is confident the spaceport can keep maritime and aviation traffic secure when rockets blast off from the site.

Saxavord was awarded its spaceport licence in December, verifying the privatelyo­wned site’s safety and environmen­tal requiremen­ts for vertical space launches. The next part of the regulatory process will be a launch operator licence for the companies wishing to use the spaceport.

Colin Macleod, head of space regulation at the CAA, said: “Saxavord’s range licence is vital to protecting public safety during launches.

“Our work is enabling the UK’S expanding space sector and encouragin­g safety, sustainabi­lity and security of space activity.”

German company Rocket Factory Augsburg hopes to be the first to launch satellites into space from Unst later this year, though a number of organisati­ons have expressed interest in using the site.

Ultimately, they wish to build up the frequency of their launches to around one per month.

Frank Strang, chief executive of Saxavord Spaceport, said: “This is a vital compo nent in our preparatio­ns for launch. Satisfying such a crucial piece of the regulatory process affords everyone the comfort that we will always operate in a safe and proper manner under the watchful eye of the regulator.

“As Western Europe’s only fully licensed vertical launch spaceport, we are now preparing to make more space history with the beginning of orbital launch operations well under way and first launch expected to be in Q3 of this year.”

The CAA says the size of the clearance zones will depend on the type of rocket being used, with larger areas being needed for early launches due to the higher risk of failure.

Transport Secretary Mark Harper said: “It is vital that launches are safe for everyone involved, which is what this range licence will ensure.”

 ?? PICTURE: SAXAVORD/PA WIRE ?? Saxavord Spaceport on Unst, one of the North isles of Shetland, is western Europe’s only fully licensed vertical launch spaceport.
PICTURE: SAXAVORD/PA WIRE Saxavord Spaceport on Unst, one of the North isles of Shetland, is western Europe’s only fully licensed vertical launch spaceport.

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