The Scotsman

US Senate passes $95bn aid nd for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

- Margaret Neighbour

The US Senate has passed $95 billion (£76.2bn) in war aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, sending the legislatio­n to President Joe Biden after months of delays and contentiou­s debate over how involved the United States should be in foreign wars.

The bill passed the Senate on an overwhelmi­ng 79-18 vote late on Tuesday after the House had approved the package on Saturday.

Mr Biden, who worked with congressio­nal leaders to win support, is expected to quickly sign the legislatio­n and start the process of sending weapons to Ukraine, which has been struggling to hold its front lines against Russia.

The legislatio­n would also send $26bn in wartime assistance to Israel and humanitari­an relief to citizens of Gaza, and $8bn to counter Chinese threats in Taiwan and the Indo-pacific.

US officials said about $1bn worth of the aid could be on its way shortly, with the bulk following in coming weeks. Shortly before the vote, Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer said that if Congress had not passed the aid, “America would have paid a price economical­ly, politicall­y, militarily”.

“Very few things we have done have risen to this level of historic importance,” he said.

On the Senate floor, Mr Schumer said the Senate was sending a message to US allies: “We will stand with you.”

Mr Schumer and Senate Republican Leader Mitch Mcconnell made passage of the legislatio­n a top priority, agreeing to tie the Ukraine and Israel aid to help ensure passage and arguing there could be dire consequenc­es for the United States and many of its global allies if Russian president Vladimir Putin’s aggression is left unchecked.

They worked with House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, to overcome seemingly intractabl­e Republican opposition to the Ukraine aid, in particular – eventually winning large majorities in both chambers.

Mr Mcconnell said it “is one of the biggest days in the time that I’ve been here”.

“At least on this, I think we turned the tables on the isolationi­sts,” Mr Mcconnell said.

The House approved the package on Saturday, with the Ukraine portion passing 311-112.

The $61bn for Ukraine comes as the war-torn country desperatel­y needs new firepower and as Mr Putin has stepped up his attacks. Ukrainian soldiers have struggled as Russia has seized the momentum on the battlefiel­d and gained significan­t territory.

Mr Biden told Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday the US will send badly needed air defence weaponry as soon as the legislatio­n is passed.

“The president has assured me that the package will be approved quickly and that it will be powerful, strengthen­ing our air defence as well as long-range and artillery capabiliti­es,” Mr Zelensky said.

The bill also includes provisions that allow the US to seize frozen Russian central bank assets to rebuild Ukraine and bills to impose sanctions on Iran, Russia, China and criminal organisati­ons that traffic fentanyl.

I think we turned the tables on the isolationi­sts Senate Republican leader Mitch Mcconnell

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 ?? ?? Activists outside the US Capitol as senators passed a bill sending $61bn of aid to Kyiv. President Joe Biden has pledged to sign it into law
Activists outside the US Capitol as senators passed a bill sending $61bn of aid to Kyiv. President Joe Biden has pledged to sign it into law

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