The Scotsman

Police process for complaints by officers ‘weaponised

- Katrine Bussey

Police Scotland has “weaponised” its processes against officers who make complaints, a lawyer said, with MSPS also told it is “inevitable” the force will face another case similar to that of former firearms officer Rhona Malone.

Ms Malone was awarded almost £1 million after taking Police Scotland to an employment tribunal after she complained about sexism.

With MSPS scrutinisi­ng Scottish Government legislatio­n to improve the police complaints and misconduct process, the lawyer who represente­d her said little had changed since that case.

In her case, the employment tribunal accepted evidence that there was an “absolute boys’ club” culture within the armed response vehicle team.

Lawyer margaret g ribbon however told Holyrood’s criminal justice committee that the process had impacted on her client’ s health“to such an extent she had to retire”.

She added: “I am afraid from the cases I have dealt with on behalf of police officers, nothing I have seen has convinced me there has been any sufficient change since the Rhona Malone judgement.

“I think it is inevitable there is going to be another case, or cases, of that type.”

The lawyer said: “I think the complaints handling procedure, it is crucial to that. Because in the Malone case they just didn’t deal with her complaints of sexism and misogyny.”

Ms Gribbon added there had been a “weaponisat­ion of the complaint handling procedure” by Police Scotland and its profession­al standards department which deals with complaints against officers.

She insisted this was particular­ly the case “in those clients I have represente­d, the ones who are standing up and whistleblo­wing and being courageous and brave enough to call out sex discrimina­tion”.

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