The Scotsman

Project to dry out Rennie Mackintosh’s Hill House ‘at a really exciting stage’

- Lucinda Cameron

A project to dry out Charles Rennie Mackintosh masterpiec­e the Hill House is working and has reached a "really exciting" stage, experts have said.

A giant steel box was built around the property in Helensburg­h in 2019 to protect its saturated walls from further damage from the elements and enable it to gradually dry out as the first stage in a long-term conservati­on programme.

The Hill House has been badly affected by the driving rain of Scotland's west coast since its constructi­on in 1904 and water penetratio­n was damaging both the structure of the house and the bespoke interior decoration.

The National Trust for Scotland (NTS), which cares for the property, said samples taken from the outside of the house in late 2023 have shown the structure is drying out as planned.

From April 29 to May 3, conservati­on experts will take samples from the interior of the building to build up understand­ing of the water damage and how much this has been reversed by the protection of the box.

Project director Elizabeth Davidson said: "We are at a really exciting stage in our work at the Hill House.

"The box has been doing its dual job of preventing further water from impacting on the building, and also allowing the structure, which in some places was very wet indeed, to dry out gradually.

"We've been closely monitoring this process and this sampling helps us gain more insight into how the building is responding to the drying process.

"Relative humidity in the house is now down to acceptable conservati­on standards - a remarkable achievemen­t given the very visible areas of rain penetratio­n previously through microcrack­ing in the structure."

A series of samples will be taken from key internal points in the house which have been badly affected by water ingress - the living room, dining room, drawing room, guest bedroom, wine room and larder.

These will provide conservato­rs with more informatio­n about how the building has been affected by water, and if there was any inherent defect in either the materials used originally or the manner in which they were used.

NTS said this will help inform future decisions about the conservati­on works needed to repair and restore the building, which is now one of the few remaining Mackintosh creations open to the public. At the same time, the charity will reopen all the chimneys and fireplaces to encourage airflow around the building and continue the drying process. The house in the Argyll and Bute town will be closed to visitors while this work is under way, however the walkways, cafe, shop and garden will remain open.

Ian Mclelland, NTS regional director for the south and west, said: "This project gives visitors a great insight into the detailed and technical work needed to care for the Hill House - a place of internatio­nal importance and one of Mackintosh's finest."

The house was commission­ed by Glasgow publisher Walter Blackie and the interior design of the house was a collaborat­ion between Mackintosh and his wife Margaret Macdonald.

 ?? ?? Visitor service assistant Emma Cooper makes her way along the walkway in the box covering Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s Hill House in Helensburg­h. Inset, the main bedroom
Visitor service assistant Emma Cooper makes her way along the walkway in the box covering Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s Hill House in Helensburg­h. Inset, the main bedroom
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