The Scotsman

SNP issues block grant challenge to Labour

- Katrine Bussey

The SNP is challengin­g Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour to increase the amount of cash Scotland receives from Westminste­r if the party wins the next election.

Drew Hendry, the SNP'S economy spokesman at Westminste­r, said any future Labour government would be “meaningles­s unless it comes with real change that will benefit Scotland”.

Saying that the block grant Scotland receives from the UK Government had gone down to its“lowest ever level” under the Conservati­ves, Mr Hendry claimed there must be a“reversal of the 14 years of austerity ordinary scots have been subjected to”.

With a general election set to take place at some point this year, polls consistent­ly show Sir Keir’s party ahead of the Tories in the race for Downing Street.

Mr Hendry said: “Labour have so far failed to outline how they’ll seriously differ from the Tories on public finances – or tell us exactly what they’ll do to support Scotland and improve the lives of Scottish people.

“They can change that by committing to reversing the Tory cuts.”

The SNP MP added: “A changing of the guard in Downing Street is meaning less unless it comes with real change that will benefit scotland and a reversal of the 14 years of austerity ordinary Scots have been subjected to. Tory cuts have caused untold hardship for people across Scotland - to the point the SNP Scottish Government has had to step in and spend billions to limit the damage being done to households.

“Any failure from the Labour Party to distance themselves from the Tory economic policies they've wedded themselves to, and to rule out more austerity, will leave voters asking what the point of the labour party actually is.”

Shadow Scottish secretary Ian Murray said a Labour government would provide a “fair deal for Scotland, boost economic growth and renew our public services”.

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