The Scotsman

Dr Colin Walker

◆ Pioneering Scottish paediatric­ian who set up Dundee’s first special baby care unit

- Alison Shaw

Dr Colin Heriot Macdonald Walker, paediatric­ian. Born: 15 May 1923 in Edinburgh. Died: 9 January 2024 in Monifeith, aged 100

Colin Walker often said he worried that he spent more time looking after other people’s children than his own. The reality was that over the decades countless youngsters, among them the most fragile newborns, benefited immeasurab­ly from that patriarcha­l concern.

In his long and distinguis­hed medical career Dr Walker was a pioneer in the care of sick infants, becoming a paediatric cardiologi­st, developing a new life support technique for tiny babies and establishi­ng special baby care units in Dundee.

He also led work that resulted in a computeris­ed audit of all newborns in the UK, focusing on those who needed neonatal intensive care.

There had never been any doubt in his mind that he would go into medicine, the catalyst being his own ill health as a child.

Born in Edinburgh to medical publisher James Walker and his wife Alison, he was educated at Edinburgh Academy before chronic respirator­y illness and severe asthma interrupte­d his schooling.

After transferri­ng to the city’s Melville College he thrived and became head boy for the section of the school evacuated to Dumfriessh­ire during the Second World War.

Medically unfit for conscripti­on, he then went to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine.

After graduating in 1946, he initially took up various posts in Edinburgh.

His first jobs in paediatric­s were at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, where he had spent considerab­le time as a patient.

Having decided to specialise in paediatric­s, Dr Walker then underwent further training at Great Ormond Street Hospital for children in London, an opportunit­y only usually afforded to graduates from Oxford, Cambridge and the London teaching hospitals.

In 1957 a one-year secondment took him to Australia, to the Princess Margaret Hospital for Children in Perth.

By this time he had a wife, Anne, whom he met at a physiother­apy ball in 1948, and a young daughter, Hilary.

The family made the long journey by sea to fulfil his role of establishi­ng the hospital’s first cardiac catheteris­ation unit. Dr Walker was then invited to the United States to become a paediatric cardiologi­st in the Department of Paediatric­s at the University of Colorado in Denver.

There he developed a pioneering technique for the life support of very small

infants by partial perfusion with a unique heart/lung/kidney system.

After six years in Denver and the addition to the family of a son, Huntly, they returned to Scotland, where Dr Walker took up an offer to develop neonatal services in Tayside, at Dundee Royal Infirmary. That was in 1964.

A few years earlier Scotland’s first purpose-built special baby care unit had been set up in Dundee.

The 20-bed facility followed collaborat­ion between the Chair of Obstetrics in Dundee, James Walker, and the Professor of Child Health, John Henderson.

It was while Professor Henderson was on a fact-finding mission to America that he had recruited Dr Colin Walker as neonatal paediatric­ian, leading to his return to Scotland.

That same year the first baby in Scotland – and only the second in the UK – was treated with artificial ventilatio­n, an achievemen­t which took place in Dundee using a ventilator reportedly brought home on the plane by Dr Walker.

Great advances have since been made in the care of very ill infants but at the time Dr Walker was one of just a handful of paediatric­ians from across the UK who began to address the needs of sick newborn babies.

During his career – he transferre­d to Dundee’s new Ninewells University Teaching Hospital in 1973 – the care available shifted from simply keeping babies warm and offering some fluids to being able to provide them with lifesaving intensive care with ventilator­y support, intravenou­s nutrition and new treatments.

For several years Dr Walker was the sole consultant available to provide this care

in Tayside and his dedication and commitment was exceptiona­l.

Latterly he had additional colleagues and this allowed him to develop his ideas on audit of the service both locally and Uk-wide.

He chaired several government committees addressing this issue and the outcome of this work was a computeris­ed system that collated all data on newborn infants born in the UK, with a focus on those who needed neonatal intensive care.

In recognitio­n of his contributi­on, Dr Walker was appointed President of the British Associatio­n of Perinatal Medicine which held its AGM prior to his retiral in 1986.

In 2007 he chronicled his career in I Also Ran: The Autobiogra­phy of a Paediatric­ian, in which he perceived himself as the gallant loser in many aspects of his life. In its preface he wrote: “This is a story about an ordinary person, who in many ways didn’t quite make it and who in the end failed to achieve his long-term career ambition.” His hope had been to secure the professors­hip of child health in Dundee, a position which eluded him.

But those who knew Dr Walker dismiss his “also ran” status, recalling a man of great meticulous­ness, charm and the highest standards: a pioneer, distinguis­hed researcher, astute clinician and a remarkable colleague and friend. Still determined to help advance the world of medicine, he left his body for medical research.

Predecease­d in 2021 by Anne, he is survived by their children Hilary and Huntly, his sister Pam, six grandchild­ren and four great grandchild­ren.

 ?? ?? Dr Colin Walker was known for meticulous­ness, charm and dedication to high standards
Dr Colin Walker was known for meticulous­ness, charm and dedication to high standards

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