The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Why is everyone so negative?


Sir, – Why are so many people full of anger?

Columnists and correspond­ents continuall­y expressing annoyance in the pages of the P&J. Wind has got the wind up in opponents of SSEN’s efforts to expand the transmissi­on of this energy source to distant parts. Those in charge being likened to terrorists leaders plotting the occupation of the northern reaches of our country.

As with all major projects the necessity of expanding the renewable energy network will have a negative impact on those in close proximity to the sites. There is no other way.

If the number of those who benefit greatly exceeds those inconvenie­nced, that is a measure of success.

The Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route is a case in point. Few would yearn for a return to the old days of driving through Aberdeen on journeys north and south.

The demise of Union Street, a jewel that has lost its sparkle, generates many column inches from correspond­ents who blame recent traffic control measures introduced by councillor­s who lack that necessary ingredient for their role, common sense, for adding to the plight of those who trade on the Granite Mile.

For the dedicated motorist the route to the city centre is likened to a journey through a minefield, a moment’s inattentio­n results in a financial wound bleeding into the council coffers.

Supportive though they are of struggling traders there is a limit to the agony of monetary pain, their slogan “no car, no go,” music to the ears of businesses in nearby small towns.

Wouldn’t it be better to spread the word that there is still much to enjoy, celebrate the appearance of several new enterprise­s, entice those who can venture to the heart of the city without a car to come, to view, to spend instead of the stream of negativity flowing through the letters page?

It is wise to ignore negative people, they find a problem for every solution. Ivan W. Reid, Laurenceki­rk.

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