The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Teenager, 19, guilty of having a knife in public places twice


A teenager has been found guilty of two weapons charges after twice having a knife in Nairn.

One witness told the court how they were left feeling “scared” after seeing Travis Abbott produce what looked like a kitchen knife.

Another described how they ran away after seeing Abbott, who they had previously been involved in a “feud” with, pull a knife from his waistband.

Abbott, 19, denied two charges of having a knife in a public place on April 18 and May 14 2022.

But a trial at Inverness Sheriff Court heard witnesses describe how they had seen him carrying one at Harbour Street and the cemetery in Nairn, respective­ly.

A witness who saw Abbott with a knife in May explained how he and Abbott had “a bit of a feud” before that meeting, meaning there was “a bit of tension”.

It was against this background, he said that “the knife got pulled out”.

He said: “It was a kitchen knife – seven or eight inches long – I was pretty scared.

Asked how he reacted, he said: “I just ran.”

A woman who witnessed the incident said: “I know it wasn’t towards me but I was still frightened by it.”

Then, less than a month later, witnesses described seeing Abbott with a knife at the cemetery.

One told the court Abbott pulled a knife, adding: “I started panicking.”

She later confirmed: “He didn’t use it.”

Another witness said she felt “scared” when she saw that Abbott had a knife, but added: “I wouldn’ t say he did anything with the knife.”

All of the witnesses denied suggestion­s from defence solicitor John MacColl their accounts were incorrect.

Sheriff Robert Frazer said: “They were all very clear that they saw the accused in possession of a knife on each of those occasions.”

He concluded: “I find you guilty.”

The court heard that Abbott, of Novar Crescent, Evanton, had one previous conviction and Sheriff Fraser called for a presentenc­ing report – releasing Abbott on bail in the meantime.

The case will call again next month.

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