The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Distinguis­hed university leader, 84

- Professor Philip Love By Chris Ferguson

Professor Philip Love, an Aberdeen Grammar School dux who became one of the founders of the Russell Group of universiti­es, has died aged 84.

He had also been elected twice as dean of the Faculty of Law at Aberdeen University, and served as president of the Law Society of Scotland in 1981-82.

The following year, Phil was made a CBE for his services to law in Scotland.

In 1992, he was appointed vice-chancellor of Liverpool University and later became a deputy lieutenant of Merseyside, and a high sheriff of Merseyside.

Philip Noel Love was born on Christmas Day 1939, the only child of Thomas and Ethel Love who had a grocer’s shop in Walker Road, Torry.

He attended Walker Road Primary School, and then Hilton School for a short time when the family moved to North Anderson Drive.

Phil started at Aberdeen Grammar School in 1952 and was soon making his mark academical­ly and on the sports fields.

Phil represente­d Aberdeen Grammar at the Scottish schools’ athletics meetings and, in 1957, he was senior prefect, athletics captain, rugby captain, dux, and winner of the AllRound Trophy.

In later years he endowed the Phil Love Trophy, awarded annually to a student who has brought credit to the school through national or internatio­nal activities.

He graduated from Aberdeen University in 1963 and shared The Society of Advocates Prize in Roman Law. He then joined the law firm of Campbell Connon and Co, then, with the firm’s approval, became an assistant in the department of Scots law and a parttime lecturer at Aberdeen University.

In 1979, he was elected dean of the Law Faculty at Aberdeen for a four-year term and again in 1991. He also served as senior viceprinci­pal of the university in 1989-90.

In 1992, the year he was appointed vice-chancellor at Liverpool, Phil lost his wife Isabel (Mearns), with whom he had three sons, Steven, Michael and Donald and, eventually, six grandchild­ren.

Three years later, he married Isobel Pardey (nee Cruickshan­k), a widow with a son, Iain, and daughter, Julie, both married, providing four

more grandchild­ren. The two had known each other since their school days and met up again while they were working in Liverpool and Manchester respective­ly.

In Liverpool, Phil was instrument­al in setting up the Russell Group of research universiti­es.

Isobel said: “Phil was a modest man who always gave 110% to everything he did. He was genial, with a great sense of humour.

“He was a man of great intellect and integrity who was not only suited to legal complexiti­es but to business and administra­tion also.”

 ?? ?? HIGH OFFICE: Professor Phil Love, as the new high sheriff of Merseyside.
HIGH OFFICE: Professor Phil Love, as the new high sheriff of Merseyside.

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