The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Do you hate your loose dentures?

Restore the confidence in your smile with dental implants


The Dental Implant Centre in Aberdeen is restoring confidence for those who have lost their smile. Led by Dr Carol and her team of specialist­s, the Centre has been transformi­ng expertly placed dental lives through implants.

Located on George Street, the facility also hosts the i-Smile Dental Clinic, where NHS patients receive exceptiona­l care.

Centre owner Alex is proud to be able to offer patients in Aberdeen and beyond – the centre has people travelling from all over Scotland and England for treatment – top quality dental implants from some of the best people in the industry.

Alex said: “In the last few years, we have welcomed two new, and very talented, members of the team, maxiofacia­l surgeon Dr Stavros Sarilavasi­s and Dr Agis Patsourako­s – who brings three decades of experience in implantolo­gy.

“When Dr Agis first began practising implantolo­gy in the 1990s, dentists and implantolo­gists used to sketch bone level angles freehand, but the introducti­on of 3D scanners and printers means specialist­s can now get an accurate and more detailed digital picture of the patient’s teeth, jaw and mouth.”

There is now no possibilit­y for human error, thanks to the significan­t technologi­cal developmen­ts in implantolo­gy and cosmetic dentistry.

Perhaps one of the other benefits of the technologi­cal advances is a reduction in the number of implants required for patients who have missing or damaged teeth.

It is now possible to have a full jaw replaced with only four to six implants, said Dr Stavros. Plus this “fixed” option, which sees the new tooth drilled into the jawbone where a real tooth once sat, has a 95-98% success rate.

And there is so much choice now too for implant patients, explains Dr Stavros: “You can choose the shape of the teeth and the colour of the teeth. They will look very natural – a perfect set of teeth, not fake.”

This popular treatment is transformi­ng the mouths and smiles of Dental Implant Centre patients across Aberdeen and beyond.

Dr Agis added: “After treatment, patients can eat, socialise and do all the things they used to do with their third set of teeth. (We call it your ‘third set of teeth’, because your first two sets are free, but you have to pay for your third set).

“These implants are not just transformi­ng mouths, they are changing the quality of people’s lives.”

Carol added: “It is very common for people in their 40s, 50s and 60s to have no or few of their real teeth, because the most common solution for bad teeth was to take them out – extraction­s were much cheaper than having an implant.

“We see patients with a lot of missing teeth or no teeth at all.

“The reality is people with no teeth suffer because they cannot eat properly and have anxiety issues associated with their appearance and smile. We can take this away. This is the best possible solution to have your normal life back.”

Also, besides experience and a quality service from Dental Implant Centre, you will also pay a minimum of 40% less than the price of anyone else going for similar treatment in the UK.

Alex explained: “When we started up five years ago, we realised there’s a gap in the UK market.

Because it was so expensive for people to be treated in the UK, they were travelling all over Europe to get implants instead.

“So, we decided to offer European prices. If patients come to us, they are saving on travel expenses, but also have the protection and policies in place from a reputable UK dental clinic.

“It was a risk to do this – and pass on a significan­t saving to the patients – but people love it.

“We offer the best possible service, with the most expensive implants fitted by experience­d people for a price no one else can offer.

“It’s a price no one can match in the UK. Why are we doing this? Because we can.

“Unlike some dental practices that rush the job and fit implants too soon, the Dental Implant Centre takes around six months to treat a patient.

“This allows allow the mouth and gums to heal from any extraction­s, before the implants are fitted.”

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 ?? ?? If you are unhappy with your smile or have missing teeth, and are considerin­g implants, contact Dental Implant Centre on 01224 643469 to discuss your options and pay around 40% less than other UK dental practices offering a similar service. Find out more at: dental implant or email: info@
If you are unhappy with your smile or have missing teeth, and are considerin­g implants, contact Dental Implant Centre on 01224 643469 to discuss your options and pay around 40% less than other UK dental practices offering a similar service. Find out more at: dental implant or email: info@
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