The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Get to know Grantown’s first settlers in summer exhibition

A fascinatin­g display at Grantown Museum is shedding light on the area’s first inhabitant­s, from after the Ice Age to the coming of Christiani­ty


If you’re looking for a unique cultural experience in a town with a rich heritage, Grantown-on-Spey is a hidden gem with its colourful art studios, bookshops and galleries.

It also has Grantown Museum which marks its 25th anniversar­y this year.

It was establishe­d in 1999 when it bought a building that was used as a girls’ school back in the 1860s.

Dan Cottam, curator of the Grantown Museum, says: “The story that we’re telling visitors in our permanent galleries is mainly about the founding of the town and its developmen­t.

“The town was built in 1765 by James Grant of clan Grant. Through his story, we show how the Highlands were shaped.

“We also have a great space where we do temporary exhibition­s that have significan­ce to the area. This year, we’re doing First People of the Spey which is all about the first people to get here after the Ice Age up to the Picts and the coming of Christiani­ty.

“The exhibit is focused on objects that were found here in Strathspey but have not really been displayed here. Most of them were in museum stores and did not really get to see the light of day. Bringing them together as a collection of Strathspey archaeolog­y has not been done before.

“We borrowed from the National Museum, Inverness Museum and the Highland Folk Museum as well as some private collectors of archaeolog­y. We brought the objects back up here for people to see them.

“We also have a lot of replica objects that people can get their hands on.

“It will be a brilliant opportunit­y for anyone who is interested in our ancient past. There are great stories there for locals to connect with. We are especially keen for children to come and explore their ancient heritage with us.”

The museum also plans to get outdoors for summer foraging and animal tracking. There will also

be cooking demonstrat­ions and workshops for artistic responses to the museum exhibits.

First People of the Spey began on June 15 and ends on October 31.

 ?? ?? Take the opportunit­y to dress up as your favourite Outlander characters.
Take the opportunit­y to dress up as your favourite Outlander characters.
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