The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Family tickets to panto included in £1m plans to tackle poverty in city


Christmas is a time of excitement for most children, as they eagerly count down the days until they unwrap a mound of soughtafte­r presents.

But for some, it’s a heartbreak­ing reminder of all the things they miss out on.

But that could soon change.

Earlier this year, Aberdeen City Council announced a £1 million plan to help families battling poverty.

For several months, various groups have been putting together proposals on how best to help out.

Now the full plan has been revealed, and it includes the prospect of a festive treat for scores of little ones.

It was during budget talks back in March that the council’s top brass voted to create the millionpou­nd kitty to help those in need during tough financial times.

Since then, a “large number of ideas” have been gathered on how to invest it.

Organisati­ons had to explain their ideas, the number of people that would be helped and a breakdown of costs.

And one such idea could bring a bit of sparkle into the cold winter months.

The plans, which have yet to go to a vote, include a “Christmas family pantomime package” for Jack and the Beanstalk at His Majesty’s Theatre.

Alternativ­ely, families could choose to attend the Unicorns Christmas Dance Party

Council documents say the main target group is “families living with deprivatio­n who would otherwise not be able to attend a Christmas show”.

The £10,000 allotted would cover tickets, a souvenir programme, an ice cream for every family member, a toy for each child from the merchandis­e stall and even travel.

Aberdeen Performing Arts chief executive, Sharon Burgess, said it was a way to help show that “everyone is welcome” at its venues.

She added: “This funding would give us the incredible opportunit­y to provide an entire day out to our festive shows this Christmast­ime for some families who might not otherwise be able to come along.

“We want everyone to be able to enjoy the magic of Christmas at our venues.”

The arts boss said she hopes for “a positive outcome at the committee”.

Papers going before the council’s anti-poverty and inequality committee next week spell out the rest of the spending plans.

Elsewhere £96,000 will be put towards crisis grants, £242,000 will go to foodbanks, £80,000 will be for fuel poverty vouchers and £40,000 will go to AberNecess­ities to provide essentials for families.

Earlier this year, the council agreed to share out the first half of the money among various groups.

This came after an additional £100,000 from the Common Good Fund was awarded to help pay for warm winter clothes.

 ?? ?? FESTIVE TREAT: Gary: Tank Commander and Alan McHugh as Nurse Nellie MacDuff in Sleeping Beauty at HMT Aberdeen last Christmas.
FESTIVE TREAT: Gary: Tank Commander and Alan McHugh as Nurse Nellie MacDuff in Sleeping Beauty at HMT Aberdeen last Christmas.
 ?? ?? Sharon Burgess of Aberdeen Performing Arts.
Sharon Burgess of Aberdeen Performing Arts.
 ?? ?? A trip to the panto is one idea suggested to the council.
A trip to the panto is one idea suggested to the council.

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