The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Speakers sought for TEDx event on identity


Inspiratio­nal speakers from across the northeast are being called to apply for the latest round of TEDxAberde­en workshops.

This year’s theme of identity is to be brought to life at the Music Hall this November.

Moray Barber, TEDxAberde­en licensee, explained the topic sets out to explore how identity impacts communitie­s and social media’s impact on identity.

He added: “As a longstandi­ng fan of TED and TEDx talks, I am fascinated by how speakers take a broad theme, find a unique angle or fresh perspectiv­e and craft a compelling talk. I am excited to see where our speakers’ ideas will take us with this year’s theme.”

Previous events have welcomed a high volume of applicants with prospectiv­e speakers keen to make their mark on the TEDx platform.

Moray said: “The ethos of TEDx is that anyone can have a great idea worth sharing, so we are keen to hear from voices in the community we may not usually hear from.

“It doesn’t matter if you haven’t spoken publicly before, as each speaker will receive support from our team of experience­d coaches and mentors – it is a unique and fulfilling experience.”

He highlighte­d that speaking at the event can help encourage participan­ts with pursuing new opportunit­ies.

A total of 10 speakers will be chosen to deliver their ideas. Speaker applicatio­ns open on Monday June 11 and close on Sunday June 30 at 11pm. They can be submitted via www. tedxaberde­ or by accessing the TEDxAberde­en social media channels: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).

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