The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Who said it?


“I know first-hand the importance of national security” - Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, a former director of public prosecutio­ns.

“I do hope you’ll go from strength to strength in the future with the Prince of Wales as your new colonel-in-chief. The great thing is he’s a very good pilot indeed – so that’s encouragin­g” - The King as he officially handed over the role of colonel-in-chief of the Army Air Corps to his oldest son, William.

“I knew I was miserable but to say I’d rather be dead? It hurts me to hear that my younger self didn’t see a future. I would love to tell her you’ll fall in love, have mates, travel the world and do a job people can only dream of. She wouldn’t have believed any of it” - Actress and disability rights campaigner Liz Carr, who suffers from rare genetic condition arthrogryp­osis multiplex congenital which affects the joints and muscles, after finding a diary entry which detailed how her 12-year-old self wanted to die. “It feels amazing and emotional. It’s wonderful to be back together again. You come back together and it’s like no time has passed at all” - Michelle Dockery, who plays Lady Mary Talbot, as production begins on the third Downton Abbey movie.

“I think by going around Britain, I’ll be raising awareness of what someone with a disability like mine can achieve if you set your mind to it, and also hopefully inspire others to think ‘I fancy a go at that myself”’ - Quadripleg­ic sailor Geoff Holt, 58, is hoping to inspire others with disabiliti­es by taking on the challenge of circumnavi­gating the UK.

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