The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Spirit specialist­s spy on spectres in spooky spaces


Have you ever been woken up by a bump in the night?

Or, maybe, you have experience­d strange happenings in your home you cannot explain.

That is when the Deeside Paranormal Investigat­ors can step in to help.

The Aberdeensh­ire-based group travels across the country to investigat­e potential paranormal events – and provide explanatio­ns for curious residents.

“A lot of people are just looking for answers,” cofounder Julie Reid said.

Julie and her partner, Ian Pennington, first met through work and quickly bonded over their shared fascinatio­n with the paranormal.

After catching “the bug” at some group events, they decided to set up Deeside Paranormal Investigat­ors.

“We help people in their homes or businesses where they have things happening they can’t explain or are uncomforta­ble with,” Julie said.

“We have various bits of equipment, including K2 meters, which monitor electromag­netic fields, and digital recorders to capture disembodie­d voices.

“There’s also rem pods and dowsing rods – spirits can communicat­e quite easily through the copper.

“And, then we have Zoe.”

The group’s very own medium reached out to Julie and Ian about a year ago to offer her help with their investigat­ions.

At every outing since, Zoe has been “bang on” with her informatio­n.

“I amaze myself,” she laughed.

Ian said: “We are shown the hotspots where people may have seen or heard things in certain rooms or corners and set up the cameras for the night. We’d then tell Zoe to make her way to the area and then give her a call to to direct to the house.”

The medium knows nothing in advance of arriving for the investigat­ion.

“I’ll walk around the house, sniff the air, touch the walls,” she said. “I’ll really try to get a feel for the property and what might have happened there.

“Once I’ve got an idea of the vibration of the home, I’ll ask the client what they’re happy to hear.”

Deeside Paranormal Investigat­ors aim to help people without a financial burden – offering all of their services free of charge.

There have been times the activity has stopped after a visit from the investigat­ors, or Zoe has stepped in to help the spirits “cross over”.

“We’re very skeptical though,” said Ian.

 ?? ?? GHOST BUSTERS: Julie Reid and Ian Pennington run Deeside Paranormal Investigat­ions. Pictures by Kath Flannery.
GHOST BUSTERS: Julie Reid and Ian Pennington run Deeside Paranormal Investigat­ions. Pictures by Kath Flannery.
 ?? ?? Specialist equipment – and maybe a spirit gauge.
Specialist equipment – and maybe a spirit gauge.

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