The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Players say there was little chance of Rory’s return to policy board


It has emerged that it wasn’t just those on the PGA Tour policy board who were opposed to Rory McIlroy’s return.

McIlroy looked poised to be welcomed back to the PGA Tour’s boardroom at a critical juncture in the men’s profession­al game, with negotiatio­ns stalling with the Saudi backers of the rival LIV Golf breakaway league.

But the Northern Irishman revealed on Wednesday that he will not be taking Webb Simpson’s place on the board as anticipate­d, claiming that “a subset of people on the board were uncomforta­ble with me coming back on”.

Tiger Woods reportedly voted against McIlroy’s return, and it is now becoming clear that the four-time major champion would not have been a universall­y popular appointmen­t with the Tour’s wider playing membership.

Tour veteran Kevin Streelman, formerly on the policy board, thinks McIlroy relinquish­ed his chance to make a comeback when resigning from his role back in November.

“He was very clear that it was too much for him,” Streelman told Golfweek. “He had business dealings, he has a kid, he wants to focus on his game. Trust me, I get it. But once you quit, you’re not getting back.

“I wouldn’t quit on something that you were elected to by your peers.”

Another former player director, James Hahn, also strongly rejected the idea that Simpson should be able to choose his successor on the board.

“That’s just not how democracy works,” Hahn said. “It goes against all the principles of what make a Tour-run organisati­on.

“Imagine if instead of Rory, Webb said he wanted Nate Lashley, who has been vocal against some of the Tour policy decisions, or named me to replace him. There would be an absolute uproar.

“People would be saying ‘You can’t do that’.”

It has since been revealed, however, that McIlroy will indeed play some part in the PGA Tour’s peace talks with the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia.

McIlroy will be part of the new transactio­n committee, a delegation with includes Woods, PGA Tour commission­er Jay Monahan, PGA Tour Enterprise­s chair Joe Gordon, Fenway Sports chief John Henry, Adam Scott and Joe Ogilivy.

“He had business dealings, he has a kid, he wants to focus on his game

 ?? ?? Kevin Streelman pointed to McIlroy’s decision to quit.
Kevin Streelman pointed to McIlroy’s decision to quit.

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