The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Injured footballer criticises sentence for careless driver


Ayoung footballer whose career has been left in jeopardy after being knocked down by a careless driver has hit out at his sentence.

Chloe Henderson, who plays for Huntly FC Women, faces at least another year on the sidelines after being left with a fractured knee following the crash near Mounthooly roundabout.

The 19-year-old was crossing the road on Mounthooly Way on her way to college when William Massie, 43, who was not indicating to leave the roundabout, struck her.

Chloe, who was with her 16-year-old sister, was told by the police she was just a few steps from losing her life and feared she could be left paralysed.

The only injury informatio­n the Crown gave in court was the knee fracture, but Chloe said ligament tears have also now come to light and she is on a waiting list for PTSD counsellin­g.

Since the incident, on December 11 last year, Chloe has fallen behind on college work and was on sick pay from work for three months, so has been struggling financiall­y.

She said: “He was able to have a Christmas and New Year with family and have a drink and enjoy himself.

“I couldn’t move off the sofa. I had to rely on my family to support me.

“My mum had to help me wash. I feel like I’m missing out on a lot.

“I have panic attacks trying to cross roads. I get flashbacks and it’s affected my sleeping as well.

“My little sister’s still traumatise­d.

“I’ve not been able to be as active as I was. I’ll be out for another year at least before I can play football again.”

In court, fiscal depute Georgia Laird said the incident was around 8.40am.

She said: “They waited at the crossing on the northern side of the road. The traffic lights were green at this time.

“The complainer’s sister looked at the road and, since traffic was clear, decided to cross over.

“She waited at the central reservatio­n for the complainer.

“The complainer observed the accused’s vehicle not indicating and made the assumption it did not intend to exit the roundabout.

“She attempted to cross the road and was struck by the vehicle which knocked her over.”

Police and an ambulance were called and Chloe was taken to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

Massie, of Deemount Gardens, Aberdeen, did not appear in court in person or with a solicitor to represent him, but submitted a guilty plea via letter. He admitted a charge of causing serious injury by careless driving.

Sheriff Rory Bannerman, looking at court papers, said it appeared Chloe accepted partial responsibi­lity for the collision, having not waited for the green man.

But speaking after the court case, Chloe disputed this and said she did not accept any responsibi­lity.

She said: “The way he spoke to me at the accident was quite significan­t.

“I said ‘indicators are clearly optional..’.

“He shouted ‘I did f ****** indicate!’ I said ‘well you clearly didn’t’.”

Sheriff Bannerman said: “Mr Massie accepts his part in that he failed to signal.

“He thinks she may have been obstructed by a pillar as he came around the corner.”

The sheriff fined Massie £320 and handed him four penalty points.

Reacting to the sentence, Chloe, who is also a Scottish champion kickboxer, said: “I think he should’ve had more of a sentence to let him know he did something serious to somebody’s life and how it’s impacted them.

“I think he needed something more to show him what he’s done has had a massive impact.

“I’m not saying he should have lost his licence but I think four points and a £320 fine... I lost more than that while I was off work injured.

“I get he didn’t go out of his way to do it, but even at the scene there was no remorse shown and he was just shouting. He’s never apologised once.”

 ?? ?? RECOVERING: Chloe Henderson in her hospital bed; Mounthooly roundabout in Aberdeen where the crash happened, and Chloe in the Huntly FC Women kit.
RECOVERING: Chloe Henderson in her hospital bed; Mounthooly roundabout in Aberdeen where the crash happened, and Chloe in the Huntly FC Women kit.

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