The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Man told ex he would cut off her head


Aprisoner in Peterhead has been handed an extra two months behind bars after phoning his ex and threatenin­g to murder her and her new boyfriend.

In a series of chilling tirades – which the woman recorded – Tony Vogt threatened to behead them in front of his nine-year-old child and burn them in their sleep.

The 28-year-old also told the woman he would dump their bodies in a wheelie bin, adding: “This is murder territory.”

Vogt appeared from custody at Peterhead Sheriff Court and admitted making their threats on November 13 last year.

During the calls from HMP Grampian, Vogt told her he knew she was seeing someone else and threatened to kill them.

Fiscal depute Eilidh Gunn told the court Vogt’s ex-partner got two phone calls from an unknown number, but immediatel­y recognised him as the caller.

Ms Gunn said: “Vogt advised the witness he knew she was dating someone else and was not happy about this.

“He made general threats to the witness.”

The court heard that Vogt told the woman: “I will murder for that – I will murder people” and “this is murder territory”.

Vogt was also quoted as saying: “You are going to end up getting burned in your sleep – I will chop off heads in front of my bairn.”

“You will both get tiewrapped together – this will be a double murder.

“You will sit in your wheelie bin for two days.”

Vogt’s defence agent Alex Burn said his client had “much regret” about his behaviour.

He said: “There is a significan­t background here.

“They were in a relationsh­ip for six years and have a child, aged nine, together.

“He has had difficulty with gaining contact to the child and a civil lawyer has been engaged.

“The court agreed shared custody, but he still does not have shared custody.

“It came to his attention that she has involved herself with someone who is a known drug dealer in the Aberdeen area.

He was frustrated and in jail and made these calls which he now knows was foolish and is a matter of much regret.”

Vogt, the court heard, is currently serving a sentence for domestic abuse involving another female.

Sheriff Craig Findlater told Vogt: “You are someone who has a record for domestic offending – that is why you are currently serving a sentence at this time.

“However, it was another lady involved.

“I can do nothing other than impose a custodial sentence.”

He handed Vogt two more months in jail and imposed a non-harassment order lasting 12 months towards his former partner, with contact only being allowable via a third party to arrange to see his child.

 ?? ?? CHILLING TIRADE: Tony Vogt, pictured in 2016, appeared at Peterhead Sheriff Court.
CHILLING TIRADE: Tony Vogt, pictured in 2016, appeared at Peterhead Sheriff Court.

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