The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Bosses back new dad’s 165-mile fundraiser run to tune of £5k


A new dad’s employers have handed him a £5,000 donation as he prepares to run from Glasgow to Aberdeen in aid of the charities that helped when his son was born seriously ill.

Andrew Smith, from Mintlaw, plans to set off from Ronald McDonald House in Glasgow on Saturday June 1 and will run 165 miles non-stop to the Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital in Aberdeen.

Peterhead-based Score Group, where Andrew has worked since 2011, has boosted his fundraisin­g efforts with the donation.

Andrew, operations manager for Score’s Israel Valve Services, wants to raise £50,000 for Ronald McDonald House and The Archie Foundation in recognitio­n of their support when son, Louie, was born prematurel­y at 28 weeks.

Baby Louie was found to have an extremely rare genetic condition which resulted in him spending the first few months of his life in hospital in Aberdeen and Glasgow.

The charities provided free accommodat­ion to his mum and dad.

Andrew 29, and his partner Nancie, are celebratin­g the fundraisin­g boost with the news that Louie has been discharged from hospital.

Andrew said: “159 days after he was born, we have finally been able to take Louie home from hospital.

“It’s fantastic for Nancie and I to have our wee boy home with us and to start to fully settle into life as a family of three. Score coming on board as the main sponsor for my fundraisin­g challenge is the icing on the cake.”

Score commercial director Ian Davidson said: “Score is delighted to be supporting Andrew as he embarks on his remarkable fundraisin­g endeavour.

“To run the distance of Glasgow to Aberdeen is no easy task and will be an incredible achievemen­t.”

 ?? ?? Andrew Smith of Mintlaw.
Andrew Smith of Mintlaw.

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