The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Our democracy is too precious


Sir, – There can be no doubt that the Scottish electorate faces challengin­g choices at the next General Election.

After 17 years of SNP government, Scotland is not in a better place. We are subject to the highest tax regime in the UK. Pensioners are taxed here at a rate higher than in England.

Ferries don’t sail and their replacemen­t costs are stratosphe­ric; explanatio­ns for potential fiscal mismanagem­ent are hidden in nationalis­t smirr.

Police Scotland cannot police effectivel­y and crimes like housebreak­ing, shopliftin­g and vandalism disappear in yet more mist as crime goes unnoticed.

NHS Scotland is in terminal decline and infrastruc­ture is a joke; travel Scotland and you’re in for a bumpy ride.

The next PM in recent times supported Jeremy Corbyn, so what principles define Sir Keir Starmer besides his political opportunis­m?

A sorry betrayal of his namesake Keir Hardie, trade unionist and founder of the Labour movement.

The Liberal Democrats denied democracy not long since in the Brexit vote and their leader ‘Sir’ Ed Davey is poisoned by the Horizon Post Office scandal.

So what choice there? Rejection surely and I write as a former activist.

Scottish Greens are Marxist in philosophy and independen­ce-minded. Their failed ‘green’ policies would bankrupt us all in their mindless coalition in the government of Scotland.

So we’re limited for choice in Scotland.

Don’t be misled by the latest budget. The Tories are toast! Their mismanagem­ent of Covid19 was disastrous made catastroph­ic by PM Truss’s budget.

But I’m a democrat, albeit authoritar­ian?

I believe voting must be compulsory as in Australia. And it should cost you if you don’t vote.

If you believe that voting makes no difference or that you’re not political, you’re mistaken. Everything is political.

Without active participat­ion in the democratic process, we may be doomed to anarchy and extremist demagoguer­y.

If you cannot chose, spoil your ballot paper and avoid a hefty fine. Our democracy is too precious to lose through apathy!

Bill Maxwell, Mar Place, Keith.

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