The Press and Journal (Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)

Why does the Orange Order pose a threat to Stonehaven?


Sir, – It appears that the proposed Orange Lodge march at Stonehaven has been called off following a petition signed by the vast majority of the town’s inhabitant­s, reasons being that pub owners would have to board up and close their establishm­ents and that a police presence would prove costly to a force short on numbers and funding.

This was hardly going to be a situation like the conflicts in Glasgow featuring the two major football clubs in that city, we should not forget that apart from Orange Lodge procession­s, also permitted by the city council were Irish Republican marches, hardly relevant to Scotland.

In addition Scotland Independen­dence supporters have organised parades where violence has broken out, also, we can highlight the vandalism carried out by the various sub divisions of the Stop Oil and Gas brigade who continue to break the law, with minimal police involement, and we can also recall the marches of Black Lives Matter, Palestian Lives Lost, Pride Scotland (LGBT), and the ones orchestrat­ed by the Swedish agitator, Greta Thunberg.

In essence we live in a democracy so why does a small branch of the Orange Order pose a threat to the citizens of Stonehaven?

Surely there is little threat to public order, possibly that biaised people are not familiar with the concepts of an Orange Lodge procession and their history.

In this instance it was to pay tribute to martyrs who had been condemned at Dunottar Castle centuries ago.

The Human Rights Act clearly states that there is a right to freedom of assembly.

John Reid, Regent Court, Keith.

 ?? ?? Members of the Orange Order take part in a parade.
Members of the Orange Order take part in a parade.

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